The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Mastering Rubocop
We all love rubocop gem. It makes code cleaner and closer to standards; it is easy to say something like rubocop -a or even rubocop -A and see how your code is getting better, at least more stylish.
Advanced interview questions for a Ruby developer
Have you ever felt frustrated when trying to prepare for an interview, and getting only questions like what is an MVC or what is the difference between a Class and a Module? Well, me too…
What's New in Rails 7.1
Let’s take a look at what we can expect from the upcoming Rails 7.1 release:
Step-By-Step Guide to Generate 100 Ordinal Punks In Your Own Terminal Via Text-Prompt
Hello, I have written-up a step-by-step guide to generate a “pixel-perfect” copy of the Top Selling 100 Ordinal Punks (in your own terminal) via text-prompts¹ (“attributes”)’. Yes, in ruby (using the pixelart gem, the artfactory gem, the punks gem, the backgrounds gem, the chunky_png gem, the cocos gem, the csvreader gem, & some more. Happy pixel pushing with ruby. Cheers. Prost. PS: Note¹ - Sorry - no artificial intelligence (a.i.) models in use :-( - just plain old “hard-coding by-hand”. Update While working on filing the counter notice - see the gitlab mirror backup for the step-by-step guide.
Adding Sorbet to a Rails project
Sorbet is a static type checker for Ruby. In this post, we will walk though how we can add sorbet to a new Rails app. Along the way, we will also see a few examples of how sorbet can help you identify and fix bugs in your code. [more inside]
My first Hanami app
In my opinion, Hanami is a breath of fresh air in the ruby world. Let’s take a look at why, and how it’s different from Rails.
ordinals gem - "right-clicker" (off-chain) ordinals (pixel art) machinery & helpers
Hello, in the ongoing crypto winter programming series in ruby I added yet another gem, that is, ordinals that incl. the ordbase command-line tool that lets you download, downsample & compose all-in-one ordinal (pixel art) collections from the bitcon blockchain via See the ordinals readme for a ordinal punks step-by-step real-world example. New to ordinal punks? See Awesome 100 Ordinal Punks (Anno 2023) Notes. Happy blockchaining with ruby. Is bitcon up for a come back with ordinal digital artefacts? Are 8-bit golden (pixel) punks or birds (in png) the new digital gold nuggets? Cheers. Prost.
Granting at least once delivery
Exactly-once is the message delivery guarantee that most developers want to achieve in their systems. However, the implementation of the set of rules backing it up should include the application layer. [more inside]
[ANN] rodauth-oauth 1.2.0 released
rodauth-oauth 1.2.0 has been released. [more inside]
RubyFlow has moved to
Due to Heroku turning into a Kafkaesque nightmare, I’ve moved RubyFlow over to This comes with some teething issues due to the antiquity of the code, but I think I’ve sorted most of it out now. Let me know if any problems. (The front page is a bit slower to load due to how I’ve got the database temporarily set up in a separate data centre 😬 but this will resolve itself in due course.)
Rubber Duck Dev Show Episode 73 | Hobby Programming With Nick Schwaderer
In this episode, we discuss hobby programming with Nick Schwaderer:
Attribute level permission control in Rails
In Ruby on Rails, authorization can be implemented at the controller level, action level, or attribute level:
InvoicePrinter 2.3.0 released!
A Ruby library, server, and command line client for generating PDF invoices got a brand new version. Prawn 2.4, Ruby 3.1+, the new description field and more.
Open Source Heroes is not fully related to Ruby, but a fun fact, the well-known Rubyist Ankane is #64 in global rating as an individual by a number of stars of his projects.
Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2023 - What’s Upcoming? Another Update
Hello, I have added some more updates to the ruby conferences & camps in 2023 calendar page over at Planet Ruby (as a free public service). Yes, built in ruby via github pages (jekyll) and an open datafile (in yaml) - see conferences2023.yml . What’s Upcoming? Rails Girls Rotterdam (FREE!), Ruby Day Italy, Helvetic Ruby, Ruby Kaigi, Ruby Conf Thailand, Wrocław Ruby, and more. PS:Did you know - the calendar web feed gets (automagically) syndicated on Rubyland News. Anything missing? Yes, you can. Add an upcoming ruby conference or camp. PPS: For the record I posted to r/rails too and - surprise, surprise - got censored - for what? Update: After asking the mod to unflag I am now muted and perma-banned on r/rails.
ActiveRecord: finally understand transactions
Database transactions are an essential tool to master. Because ActiveRecord’s transactions interface is not intuitive (and not well designed IMO), this article explains how to use it and explains what pitfalls you should pay attention to. [more inside]
Validate keys of hash using assert_valid_keys 🚧
Have you heard of the assert_valid_keys method for the Hash class in Rails? [more inside]
Ruby is Dead Trivia - Did You Know - Ordinal Punks On Bitcon Are Generated w/ Ruby
Hello, The Norwegian writes: Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last week, you’ve probably heard about Ordinals (and the top collection, that is, Ordinal Punks). The top selling alien ape with a $200 000+ all-time-high sale. Is it a classic fake wash trade or a love the (pixel) art real historic trade? Anyways, did you know that all 100 ordinal punks are generated in ruby with the punk command-line that incl. the punk spritesheet and ships as a ruby gem package. Read full background story. PS: Do you know any other “hidden champion” ruby story? Please, tell.
ActionMailer Balancer: Keeping the Email Sending Equilibrium
ActionMailer extension works as a balancer that allows safely migrating to a new email provider, proportionally distributing the email sending load between two different sending services and keeping the sending equilibrium. For example, you set up 70% with SendGrid, and 30% with Mailtrap (or any other provider). [more inside]
Autoscaling GoodJob Queues
GoodJob is a modern ActiveJob backend that’s been gaining traction lately. We just published the judoscale-good_job
gem to integrate GoodJob with the Judoscale autoscaler. Here’s how to autoscale your GoodJob queues with Judoscale.