RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

RubyFlow has moved to

Due to Heroku turning into a Kafkaesque nightmare, I’ve moved RubyFlow over to This comes with some teething issues due to the antiquity of the code, but I think I’ve sorted most of it out now. Let me know if any problems. (The front page is a bit slower to load due to how I’ve got the database temporarily set up in a separate data centre 😬 but this will resolve itself in due course.)


Nice side effect of this is I might feel more like improving the site now it’s on a better platform and with the various bits modernized (OmniAuth 2.0 took some working out due to changes made there..)

One fun side effect is the rate limiter keeps getting tripped due to how handles TLS termination for you. Need to use the right IP address to rate limit against ;-)

@PETER A long awaited move I would say ;) The DB is responding just a little bit slower than it was before, and I didn’t notice any other issues so far…

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