RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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ordinals gem - "right-clicker" (off-chain) ordinals (pixel art) machinery & helpers

Hello, in the ongoing crypto winter programming series in ruby I added yet another gem, that is, ordinals that incl. the ordbase command-line tool that lets you download, downsample & compose all-in-one ordinal (pixel art) collections from the bitcon blockchain via See the ordinals readme for a ordinal punks step-by-step real-world example. New to ordinal punks? See Awesome 100 Ordinal Punks (Anno 2023) Notes. Happy blockchaining with ruby. Is bitcon up for a come back with ordinal digital artefacts? Are 8-bit golden (pixel) punks or birds (in png) the new digital gold nuggets? Cheers. Prost.

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