RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

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Fake in production

Learn how to mimic the current time in production on a Rails server and debug your application. Discover techniques to set the time and date in production, as well as tips on how to simulate travel time. Get the most out of your Rails application in production with these helpful tips. [more inside]

Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2023 - What’s Upcoming? Update

Hello, I have updated the ruby conferences & camps in 2023 calendar page over at Planet Ruby. Built in ruby via github pages (jekyll) and an open datafile (in yaml) - see conferences2023.yml . What’s Upcoming? Rails Girls Rotterdam (FREE!), and more. PS:Did you know - the calendar web feed gets (automagically) syndicated on Rubyland News. Anything missing? Yes, you can. Add an upcoming ruby conference or camp. PPS: For the record I posted to r/rails too and - surprise, surprise - got censored - for what?

Credentials for Bridgetown

Bridgetown gets better with every release and along with rock solid static site features, the optional dynamic capabilities go well beyond a simple SSG. That said, your growing Bridgetown site might rely on external services and APIs at some point and managing their credentials with environment variables is tedious at best. Enter the Bridgetown Credentials plugin which implements the best parts of credentials from Rails: Commit encrypted credentials to the repo and decrypt them on the fly.

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