The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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How to Integrate React with Ruby on Rails: A Complete 2025 Guide
Integrating React with Ruby on Rails is a powerful way to build modern full-stack applications.
Ruby Programmer Happiness Explained!
‘Ruby Programmer Happiness’ means ‘happiness for having the ability to deliver useful business value to customers as productively and as simply as possible with the ability to maintain the code with very little effort for years to come’…
Self-Hosted App to a Multi Tenant Hosted App – Postgres Schemas in Rails
I had to convert a self-hosted app into a multi-tenant hosted one and used Postgres Schemas to make it happen. I’ve documented the process and also shared some insights in this post
ruby-install 0.10.0 released
Released ruby-install 0.10.0! This release contains many small improvements to usability and better support for building CRuby with jemalloc or YJIT enabled. [more inside]
How to avoid problems with Turbo morphing
Turbo 8 morphing is usually talked about in two opposites: how great it is and how frustrating it is when it breaks something. I’ve gathered all the approaches I know about how to solve problems with morphing: How to avoid problems with Turbo morphing
Benchmarking caching in Rails with Redis vs the alternatives
With the rise of Redis alternatives claiming better performance, we put them to the test. This benchmarking compares Redis with Valkey, DragonflyDB, DiceDB, and Rails SolidCache (both PostgreSQL and sqlite3 variants), along with litecache. [more inside]
Hacking Rails controller actions and rendering shows how the Rails method_for_action
controller method can be overridden to build gems like Superview, which renders Phlex and ViewComponent’s for views, or build controllers that can handle bulk form actions, including securing each individual bulk action with a before_filter
Use a moving average calculation to predict estimated time remaining
Hi. I wrote an article about how to use a moving average calculation to predict estimated time remaining while updating progress bar with turbo stream. [more inside]
Outlets and Permanent Tags
In this episode, we’ll explore how we can add a “global” music player that will persist across different pages. Our approach will be unobtrusive and implemented in a maintainable way.
How a Ruby Upgrade Broke MS Edge Support in a Rails App
A Ruby upgrade and gem updates unexpectedly broke Microsoft Edge support in our Rails app - here’s how we debugged and fixed it
Rails Database Migrations Best Practices
Have you ever found yourself wondering how to best manage your database migrations in Rails? [more inside]
Setting up Cloudflare R2 buckets for Active Storage
Here’s how to set up Cloudflare R2 as an Active Storage backend.
Build Rails Apps with Components
I released Superview 1.0 and wrote at about how can use it to render Phlex and ViewComponents for your Rails controller views. ✌️
digest-crc 0.7.0 released!
digest-crc 0.7.0 has been released! This release adds support for CRC64 NVMe, which is apparently used by Amazon S3.
Glimmer DSL for Web Wins in Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 Competition
Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby Web Frontend Framework) won an award in the Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 competition after I presented it to Yukihiro Matsumoto (the creator of Ruby) and other Fukuoka competition judges earlier this week on January 21, 2025! It’s official! Matz approves of Glimmer DSL for Web!!!