RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ruby Version Manager 4 Windows v1.0.0 released

The final version 1.0.0 of the Ruby Version Manager for Windows (rvm-windows) has been released. It is inspired by the project for Unix systems and provides a similar user experience for Windows users by providing a compatible command line interface. The Ruby Version Manager for Windows is a command line tool that allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems. It even works with the classic Windows command line aside from Powershell and is based on the x64 binaries provided by the RubyInstaller project. Its goal is not to 100% reimplement all features of, but the most important and common ones by preserving most of the same command line interface. Some special Windows related stuff is added as well. More information can be found on the rvm-windows Github repository.

Montreal.rb Hack Night Solutions for Hunt The Wampus

In November and December of 2024, Montreal.rb hosted 2 Ruby Hack Night meetups about building the historic computer game, Hunt The Wampus, which was a text-based adventure game developed by Gregory Yob in 1973. Solutions have been released, which include the Ruby code for the Model layer, a desktop GUI View layer, and a Rails Web Frontend View layer:

We upgraded our Open Source Job Board App (DollarJobs) from Rails v6.1 to v7.0.0

Upgrading Rails versions in any app require significant code refactoring and effort. Nonetheless, the effort put definitely takes your application towards much better security and maintenance. We upgraded our Open Source Job Board App (DollarJobs) from Rails v6.1 to v7.0.0 to incrementally upgrade it to Rails v8, soon. Read the process here - Watch the Screencast here - View the Git Diff here -…upgrade_to_rails_700. Fork the Repo here -

Upgraded to Rails v8 successfully. See the Git Diff here -…

Implementing new EU invoice format (which is required for B2B from 2025)

From 2025, all B2B invoices within European Union must be machine readable by complying to a XML-spec (Factur-X). In this post, I use secretariat Gem for generating + validating the XML and then use plain Ghostscript to put it together with the original invoice.pdf into a hybrid so-called ZUGFeRD file that complies with the spec but still displays as a normal PDF(/A3). [more inside]

If you create the invoice.pdf yourself, you could use HexaPDF to do everything …
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