RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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wowmow 🐛🕳️

Here’s a little goodie for you to work with webhooks locally: wowmow – a self-containted little Rack app designed to be deployed on It acts as a dead simple reverse proxy to give your local development web server a public URL with SSL. Think of it as you own private ngrok. It has to run on a starter instance which costs EUR 7 per month, but if you suspend it whenever it’s not in use, you can cut the cost to mere cents.

MissionControl::Servers (Resource monitor)

Taking the idea from MissionControl::Job, I’ve made MissionControl::Servers which is a simple monitoring of server resources. The general idea is that we may not want a separate system or service to monitor the CPU, Memory, and Disk Space of our Rails applications. This is especially true for hobby projects. So, if you have a VM, this will give you an easy way to set up monitoring of your system resources. The source can be found at Github Project along with a demo running on an AWS EC2 instance.

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