The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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What's new in Ruby 3.3
Visualizing Ahoy analytics in Rails
In this article, Honeybadger co-founder Joshua Wood explains how to graph Ahoy page views in Rails with Chartkick, with a preview of our upcoming observability tool—Insights! Read the full article here.
Authentication vs Authorization with Rails 7
A small tutorial to understand the difference between authorization and authentication [more inside]
How to find an element inside a Ruby array
Nothing really new under the sun, but a simple recap or reference article in case you are lost :)
wowmow 🐛🕳️
Here’s a little goodie for you to work with webhooks locally: wowmow – a self-containted little Rack app designed to be deployed on It acts as a dead simple reverse proxy to give your local development web server a public URL with SSL. Think of it as you own private ngrok. It has to run on a starter instance which costs EUR 7 per month, but if you suspend it whenever it’s not in use, you can cut the cost to mere cents.
MissionControl::Servers (Resource monitor)
Taking the idea from MissionControl::Job, I’ve made MissionControl::Servers which is a simple monitoring of server resources. The general idea is that we may not want a separate system or service to monitor the CPU, Memory, and Disk Space of our Rails applications. This is especially true for hobby projects. So, if you have a VM, this will give you an easy way to set up monitoring of your system resources. The source can be found at Github Project along with a demo running on an AWS EC2 instance.
Stream Phlex from Sinatra
I added streaming support to phlex-sinatra and learned a bunch in the process. Read more in Stream Phlex from Sinatra.
A Deep Dive Into RSpec Tests in Ruby on Rails
In the second and final part of our series, we’ll explore using RSpec for tests in your Rails application:
ReadyTech Cuts Infrastructure Costs 5-10% With Ruby on Rails Upgrade
ReadyTech identified several vital goals for their upgrade project: [more inside]
The Plan for Rails 8
I went through the Rails 8 milestones on Github and wrote a summary of them at so you know what’s coming without diving deep into Github issues and PRs. Enjoy!
First steps with ruby.wasm: or how we built Ruby Next Playground
Revealing a missing piece of the Ruby Next puzzle: Ruby Next Playground! See how Vladimir Dementyev packaged Ruby Next into a WebAssembly module. Get Ruby Next without leaving the browser, play with Ruby syntax, and share experiments by simply sending a link. [more inside]
What Developers Should Know About DevOps With Ben Curtis | Rubber Duck Dev Show 115
In this episode, we discuss what software developers should know about DevOps with Ben Curtis, Co-Founder and back-end engineer at Honeybadger:
Avoid most of the pain with test factories with the principle of minimal defaults
I’ve experienced my fair share of programming pain at hands of badly designed test factories. The principle I dubbed “the principle of minimal factory defaults” has proven time and time again to have a big impact: Avoid most of the pain with test factories with the principle of minimal defaults
Rails 7.1 introduces an option to disable all methods that ActiveRecord.enum generate
Rails 7.1 introduces an option to disable all methods that ActiveRecord.enum generate [more inside]
Campfire Patterns
In this episode, we look at some of the design patterns that are used in Campfire and my take on why they took this approach. We’ll explore some of the code organization, search functionality, and more!
Refactoring in practice: from shameless-green to convention
A few months ago, I had to write a Rails micro-service that synchronizes data between two applications. I’ll show you the successive steps I used to refactor this piece of code, from shameless-green to convention.
Why is Ruby-on-Rails not more popular?
An opinion about the current Rails stack popularity [more inside]
[ANN] rodauth-oauth 1.5.0 released
rodauth-oauth 1.5.0 has been released. [more inside]