RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

Simple Test for Revealing Fake Rubyists in the Rails Community

Here is a very easy test for figuring out if someone in the Rails community is a Real Rubyist who truly gets Ruby and its unique benefits 100% compared to other programming languages or a Fake Rubyist who is just riding the Ruby on Rails bandwagon because it is “cool” or because they heard about it from an acquaintance without thinking for themselves…


Please tell me this was written with tongue in cheek.

Alas, doesn’t seem like it. 🤨

I was excited about front-end Ruby but was disappointed by the limitations of WASM/Opal. One needs to be pragmatic as well.

This has a to be hot-take/parody post. There’s no other question about it, this post is absolute non-sense and was made to generate traffic.

I’ve been 20 years in the Ruby bandwagon because it’s cool ✌️

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