RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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RedisQueuedLocks [1.3.0] Support for Reentrant Locks

Recently announced new distributed redis locks on Ruby (that works in advisory-locks manner with queue capabilities) reached the new verison 1.3.0 with a support for reentrant locks (when the lock is obtained again from the same process that is already hold this lock).

Supports 4 conflict strategies:

  • :work_through: reentrant locks without lock's TTL extension;
  • :extendable_work_through: reentrant locks with lock's TTL extension;
  • :wait_for_lock (default strategy): work in classic way (no any reentrant behvior - just "wait" with existing limit/retry/failure logic);
  • :dead_locking: fail on conflict case;

RedisQueuedLocks [1.3.0 release]

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