The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Campfire Patterns
In this episode, we look at some of the design patterns that are used in Campfire and my take on why they took this approach. We’ll explore some of the code organization, search functionality, and more!
Refactoring in practice: from shameless-green to convention
A few months ago, I had to write a Rails micro-service that synchronizes data between two applications. I’ll show you the successive steps I used to refactor this piece of code, from shameless-green to convention.
Why is Ruby-on-Rails not more popular?
An opinion about the current Rails stack popularity [more inside]
[ANN] rodauth-oauth 1.5.0 released
rodauth-oauth 1.5.0 has been released. [more inside]
So We've Got a Memory Leak…
In which I walk through finding, debugging, and fixing (in as much as it were) a memory leak we recently had in our production #Rails app.
You don't know RSpec: intro to RSpec for RSpec professionals
A story about RSpec basic features and not-so-known functionalities hidden in them
How to check if hash has key in Ruby With Ruby, there are some cases where you want to check if a given key is already in the hash.
How to deal with PostgreSQL Backups using Kamal
I wrote about how to deal with postgresql database backups in your kamal deployment. [more inside]
How we prevented financial loses in a SaaS app
🚀 Exciting success story! 🌐 We thwarted financial losses in SaaS app. Found premium users without a Stripe subscription, fixed bugs, and synced historical data. Result? Zero financial losses and our data now aligns seamlessly with Stripe. 💪 [more inside]
Software Development Security: Essential Tips for Cyber Safety
Explore the challenges and guiding principles of software development security. Learn about features of security testing. Strengthen your defense against cyber attacks with expert tips.Software Development Security
Upsert no longer ignores on_duplicate if unique_by is specified
What Developers Should Know About Postgres With Andrew Atkinson
In this episode, we discuss what Rails software developers should know about Postgres with Andrew Atkinson: We also discuss his new book: High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails
How to tell when it's safe to remove a feature flag?
We wrote up a little bit about what we’re doing to make it easier to cleanup feature flags, which is notoriously hard. [more inside]
Frontmatter on Rails
Add Frontmatter to Rails and use structured data in your views. In this post we’ll customize ActionView, add our own ActiveRecord-like objects, and build a small app. [more inside]
Generate authentication like Rails 8 will
Waiting for the new release of Rails, here is a tutorial about how to generate authentication - without the need to code it from scratch. [more inside]
Business Class 1.5 with single-server Kamal deployments
Business Class get its last piece of the puzzle, deployments with Kamal. Just a few commands in the command like will take your new project online.
Programming (Bitcon) Ordinals (in Ruby) - Step-by-Step Book / Guide
Hello, i moved the free online Programming (Bitscoin) Ordinals - Step-by-Step Book / Guide - yes, in ruby to its own “top-level” repo for easier browsing, (re)using of scripts and more. the first two chapters include: 1) Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ordinal Inscriptions, 2) Collections, Collections, Collections - Inside Ordinal Punks, Bitscoin Shrooms, D.I.Y. Punks & More. happy blockchaining and data analytics with ruby. ps: yes, bitscoin is blacklisted (cancled) here, thus bitcon. why not?
Using Jekyll as a static website generator in 2024
Personal choices, plugins, and basic configurations adopted to manage my Jekyll-based blog read more
Cross-Platform application with Ruby + Tauri
Is there any way to create a cross-platform client application that consumes a fraction of resources than Electron would use… with Ruby? 🤯 [more inside]
Ruby on Rails load testing habits
Here are the techniques I’ve acquired over more than 10 years of regular load testing :