RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Benefits of Agile Methodology

The Agile Methodology is an iterative approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Companies that utilize Agile techniques prioritize delivering working software in small chunks rather than providing a complete solution simultaneously.

Releasing ruby-zint - a gem for the creation of barcodes

Today I’m releasing ruby-zint a FFI binding for libzint. It allows the fast and easy creation of about 50 barcodes (Code 128, UPC A, QR Code, …). Currently is version 2.10.0 (default for Ubuntu 22.04) on Linux, Windows and macOS supported. I will update the gem to to most recent version in the next weeks.

Great work! The API looks much cleaner than the old zint gem. …
Thank you very much!

Releasing rails_i18n_manager

rails_i18n_manager is a Web interface to manage i18n translations helping to facilitate the editors of your translations. Provides a low-tech and complete workflow for importing, translating, and exporting your I18n translation files. Designed to allow you to keep the translation files inside your projects git repository where they should be.

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