RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

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Pairing with GPT-4 on a Ruby Project

I wrote about what it’s like pairing with GPT-4 on a ruby Ruby at Turns out the more you know about Ruby, the better your experience will be working with GPT-4 since it can send you down some pretty crazy paths. If you’re starting out, it can still give you pretty good results if you don’t ask it to build stuff for you. Overall, it’s more pleasant than using a search engine for help because you don’t have to wade through ads and SEO content that’s not helpful.

HMVC-Rails gem - Helping you build High-level MVC architecture

Hello everyone. Have ever you heard about or use Trailblazer gem? HMVC is an architecture based on it. To reduce time to initial a project, our team released this gem called HMVC-Rails. Hope it will create a new popular architecture for not only Ruby on Rails community but also other ones [more inside]

Very interesting. It would be helpful if the readme had more information: 1. W…
Thank you for your support. This is the HMVC model that our company has develop…

Introducing Parklife

Parklife turns any Rack app (Rails, Sinatra, Hanami, Roda, Camping) into a static HTML build ready to be hosted on GitHub Pages, Netlify, Now, S3, or any other web server. Keep working with the frameworks you already know and love but instead of deploying and managing a server-side Ruby app generate a static build that can live indefinitely with no maintenance cost.

I hope that all the people, so many people, can benefit from this.
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