RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Using Boxcars (Ruby Langchain alternative) to query a Rails DB with natural language

You may have heard of Langchain, the Python library for creating LLM-powered apps with nearly 35k GitHub stars. Despite the large following, Langchain can be difficult to use when you want to go deeper than “hello world” tutorials. This experience led me to Boxcars, a Langchain-inspired Ruby gem but with fewer abstractions. [more inside]

This is amazing, well done Derek! 🙌

Solidus v4.0 released: removing deprecations and improving Stripe integration

The Solidus Core Team is excited to announce the release of Solidus v4.0! This major release removes deprecated code and features a revamped solidus_stripe gem, making it even easier to integrate with Stripe as your payment gateway. Solidus is a powerful and flexible open-source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails. With v4.0, we’re continuing our commitment to providing developers with a top-notch platform for building online stores. If you’re upgrading from v3.4, please check out the upgrade instructions at We appreciate your continued support of Solidus, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll build with this new release! To learn more about Solidus, join our community on Slack. Happy coding!

Montreal.rb May 2023: Integrating REST APIs w/ Microsoft Kiota

The video for the Montreal.rb (Ruby/Rails Meetup) May 2023 talk “Integrating REST APIs with Microsoft Kiota” has been posted! Microsoft Kiota is an open-source technology that can automatically generate SDKs for HTTP REST APIs in Ruby (or any programming language) to save software engineers from having to write error prone API client code that handles authentication, authorization, serialization, and exception handling manually. [more inside]

Configuring Rails to use HTTPS in local development

Ever wanted to access a Rails app locally over HTTPS? There is a gem called localhost that can make this remarkably easy. However, everyday development using HTTPS requires a few more steps. This post explains how to set up the localhost gem, how to start Rails properly, and how to update OpenSSL to trust the local certificate. Plus, for those of us using Vite as their frontend build system, this post explains how to secure the Vite dev server as well.

Ruby Retry But Better: Faraday Loop

Ever need a simple way to retry a block of code? Maybe you need a maximum number of retries? Exponential backoff? Different handling for different exceptions? We took the Faraday Retry Middleware which is pretty awesome and just hoisted it up into its own utility without actually using/needing Faraday: Faraday Loop

7 Common Mistakes in Rails Upgrades

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework that is constantly evolving with new versions being released frequently. While upgrading to a newer Rails version can bring new features, better performance, and security patches/improvements, it can also be a challenging task. [more inside]

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