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[ANN] httpx 0.23.0 released

httpx 0.23.0 has been released.


HTTPX is an HTTP client library for the Ruby programming language.

Among its features, it supports:

  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.x protocol versions
  • Concurrent requests by default
  • Simple and chainable API
  • Proxy Support (HTTP(S), CONNECT tunnel, Socks4/4a/5)
  • Simple Timeout System
  • Lightweight by default (require what you need)

And also:

  • Compression (gzip, deflate, brotli)
  • Streaming Requests
  • Authentication (Basic Auth, Digest Auth, AWS Sigv4)
  • Expect 100-continue
  • Multipart Requests
  • Cookies
  • HTTP/2 Server Push
  • H2C Upgrade
  • Automatic follow redirects
  • International Domain Names
  • GRPC
  • Circuit breaker
  • WebDAV
  • Datadog integration
  • Faraday integration
  • Webmock integration
  • Sentry integration

Here are the updates since the last release:

0.23.0 Features :retries plugin: resumable requests

The :retries plugin will now support scenarios where, if the request being retried supports the range header, and a partial response has been already buffered, the retry will resume from there and only download the missing data.


As a result, ´HTTPX::ErrorResponse#response` has also been introduced; error responses may have an actual response. This happens in cases where the request failed after a partial response was initiated.

:buffer_size option

A new option, :buffer_size, can be used to tweak the buffers used by the read/write socket routines (16k by default, you can lower it in memory-constrained environments).

Improvements :native resolver falls back to TCP for truncated messages

The :native resolver will repeat DNS queries to a nameserver via TCP when the first attempt is marked as truncated. This behaviour is both aligned with getaddrinfo and the resolv standard library.

This introduces a new resolver_options option, :socket_type, which can now be :tcp if it is to remain the default.

Chore HTTPX.build_request should receive upcased string (i.e. “GET”)

Functions which receive an HTTP verb should be given the verb in “upcased string” format now. The usage of symbols is still possible, but a deprecation warning will be emitted, and support will be removed in v1.0.0 .

Remove HTTPX::Registry

This momdule was a bit magical to use, difficult to debug, not thread-safe, and overall a nuisance when it came to type checking. While there is the possibility that someone was relying on it existing, nothing had ever been publicly documented.

  • fixed proxy discovery using proxy env vars (HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY…) being enabled/disabled based on first host used in the session;
  • fixed :no_proxy option usage inn the :proxy plugin.
  • fixed webmock adapter to correctly disable it when Webmock.disable! is called.
  • fixed a bug in :digest_authentication plugin when enabled and no credentials were passed.
  • fixed several bugs in the sentry adapter around breadcrumb handling.
  • fixed :native resolver candidate calculation by putting absolute domain at the bottom of the list.
0.22.5 Bugfixes
  • datadog and sentry integrations did not account for Connection#send being possibly called multiple times (something possible for connection coalescing, max requests exhaustion, or Happy Eyeballs 2), and were registering multiple on(:response) callbacks. Requests are now marked when decorated the first time.
  • Happy Eyeballs handshake “connect errors” routine is now taking both name resolution errors, as well as TLS handshake errors, into account, when the handshake fails.
0.22.4 Bugfixes
  • fix happy eyeballs v2 bug where, once the first connection would be established, the remaining one would still end up in the coalescing loop, thereby closing itself via the :tcp_open callback.
  • fix for faraday plugin parallel mode, where it’d hang if no requests would be made in the parallel block (@catlee)
0.22.3 Features HTTPX::Response::Body#filename

A new method, .filename can be called on response bodies, to get the filename referenced by the server for the received payload (usually in the “Content-Disposition” header).

ruby response = HTTPX.get(url) response.raise_for_status filename = response.body.filename # you can do, for example: response.body.copy_to("/home/files/#{filename}")

Improvements Loading integrations by default

Integrations will be loaded by default, as long as the dependency being integrated is already available:

```ruby require “ddtrace” require “httpx”

HTTPX.get(… # request will be traced via the datadog integration ```

Faraday: better error handling

The faraday adapter will not raise errors anymore, when used in parallel mode. This fixes the difference in behaviour with the equivalent typhoeus parallel adapter, which does not raise errors in such cases as well. This behaviour will exclude 4xx and 5xx HTTP responses, which will not be considered errors in the faraday adapter.

If errors occur in parallel mode, these’ll be available in env[:error]. Users can check it in two ways:

ruby response.status == 0 # or !response.env[:error].nil?

  • unix socket: handle the error when the path for the unix sock is invalid, which was causing an endless loop.
IPv6 / Happy eyeballs v2
  • the native resolver will now use IPv6 nameservers with zone identifiers to perform DNS queries. This bug was being ignored prior to ruby 3.1 due to some pre-filtering on the nameservers which were covering misuse of the uri dependency for this use case.
  • Happy Eyeballs v2 handshake error on connection establishment for the first IP will now ignore it, in case an ongoing connection for the second IP is happening. This fixes a case where both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are served for a given domain, but only one of them can be connected to (i.e. if connection via IPv6 fails, the IPv4 one should still proceed to completion).
  • the native resolver won’t try querying DNS name candidates, if the resolver sends an empty answer with an error code different from “domain not found”.
  • fix error of Happy Eyeballs v2 handshake, where the resulting connection would coalesce with an already open one for the same IP before requests were merged to the coalesced connection, resulting in no requests being sent and the client hanging.
  • fixed error message on wrong type of parameter for the compression_threshold_size option from the :compression plugin.
0.22.2 Chore

Checking response class before calling .status, as this was being called in some places on error responses, thereby triggering the deprecation warning.

0.22.1 Bugfixes
  • :retries plugin: fix `HTTPX::Response#response to point to the last possible response in the redirection chain.
  • :stream plugin: Make HTTPX::Session#request public (as it is in the main class) .
  • return 100 responses if the request didn’t specifically ask for “100-continue” negotiation (via the “expect” header).

Wrap low-level socket errors in a HTTPX::ConnectionError exception.

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