The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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fast_count - a new gem to quickly get an accurate count estimation for large tables
I released a new gem - [more inside]
Hacking Rails Implicit Rendering for View Components & Fun
I went in-depth at on how I got a Rails app working that uses 100% Phlex components. The technique can be used to integrate Rails with ViewComponents, handle batch resource selection & manipulation, responder classes, Hanami-style action classes, and more.
Reflection on doing a 24h startup challenge in Rails
Last week, I finished my 24 hours startup challenge. I was building an uptime monitoring tool with Rails. Here’s my reflections.
⚡ Chaskiq, the self-hosted live chat, releases version 2.0.0 ⚡
We are thrilled to announce the release of Chaskiq 2.0.0, a major milestone for our source-available live chat and messaging system. This update marks the successful migration of our text editor, Dante. [more inside]
Configuring RuboCop to scan the right files in a Rails project
Despite using RuboCop for years, I was recently surprised to find that it was not scanning certain important files in my Rails project. When I dug further, I discovered that RuboCop’s system for configuring inclusion and exclusion rules is quite complicated and exhibits some of the infamous “Rails magic”. What started out as a simple question – why isn’t RuboCop checking my bin/setup
script? – turned into hours of troubleshooting. Here’s what I learned:
Leaving the Cloud With Chris & Creston | Rubber Duck Dev Show 82
In this episode, we discuss whether you should consider leaving the cloud:
Rice 4.1 (Creating Ruby bindings for C++ libraries)
Rice makes it much easier to wrap C++ APIs - it is the Ruby equivalent to PyBind11. Get started with the tutorial at After you are done with the tutorial, there is extensive documentation about how to wrap C++ libraries - see The Rice authors would love to see more Ruby bindings to C++ libraries and are happy to offer pointers as needed - please submit tickets on Github.
Project-specific .irbrc offers a solution to having a project-specific .irbrc
while also keeping a global ~/.irbrc
for shared functionality.
ChatGPT from your Rails console - do you want to ask ChatGPT for help directly from the Rails console? Examples: [more inside]
Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.7.x Table Selection and Sorting API
In the 0.7.x version series, Glimmer DSL for LibUI finally gets the much awaited Table Selection API and Table Sorting API that got added to the underlying libui C library a few months ago. The good news is tables are now sortable by default without having to write a single line of code (Convention Over Configuration). That means all older applications that had tables now have sortable tables. [more inside]
Solidus v3.4 is out
We’re thrilled to announce the release of Solidus v3.4! This release marks an important milestone for our e-commerce platform as we move closer to the highly anticipated v4 release. We invite you to upgrade to v3.4 and address any deprecation warnings to ensure a smooth transition to the future of Solidus. [more inside]
lazy_value gem Load values on your pages using Ajax. Literally with one line of code: <%= lazy_value_tag { } %>
How to keep up with your usual sending volumes without a drop?
How to mitigate sending risks and be able to deliver those VERY IMPORTANT emails to your customers’ inboxes no matter what? [more inside]
Component-driven development on Rails with Phlex
I wrote an article at about how I built a Rails application 100% from Phlex classes and 0% Erb, including the application layout. I found the approach to be fun, expressive, productive, and at times … it even felt like I was building a Sinatra app in Rails 😄.
Gosu Game Jam 4
The Gosu Game Library is having its 4th, week long, game jam starting April 23rd. Vote on the theme and find details on
Developer Documentation With Grant Willcox | Rubber Duck Dev Show 81
In this episode, we discuss how to handle documentation when you are a developer with Grant Willcox:
Composing Our Own Guitar Amps From Inherited Gear
This post explores inheritance and composition as a way to build and share behavior in a system to model guitar amplifiers.
Rails Pagination with the Kaminari Gem
Check out Rails Pagination with the Kaminari Gem