RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Integration patterns for distributed architecture

Distributed architectures have been growing in popularity for quite a while for some good reasons. The rise of cloud services making the deployments simpler, as well as the ever-growing complexity of the applications, resulted in a shift away from monolithic architecture for many technical ecosystems. Microservices have emerged as an alternative solution offering greater modularity, scalability, reliability, agility, and ease of collaboration between multiple teams. Nevertheless, these benefits don’t come for free. The price to pay could be significant due to many factors, and one of them is dealing with some challenges that don’t necessarily happen when working on a monolith. One of such challenges is establishing the best way of integration and communication between services. [more inside]


Ever wanted to modify an ENV variable, an instance or class variable (e.g. on Config) for the duration of a block or for all tests of a “describe” group? This pattern emerged repeatedly in my suites and as I don’t like to bloat my test/spec helper, about time for the lightweight and dependency-free minitest-substitute gem. Drop cumbersome before and after handling with one or more easy to read with "ENV['FOO']", "bar" or with "@run_at", on: Config { } declarations. Happy testing!

What to do when the docs aren't enough

Software docs (Rails, Hotwire or otherwise), are often works in progress. Even well documented projects can be sparsely documented at their edges. What are you supposed to do when they aren’t enough? This article goes over five time-tested strategies and behaviors you can use when you reach a “docs dead-end” next time.

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