RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Becoming a 10x Developer with ChatGPT and Copilot: A Rubyist's Perspective

Is the concept of a ‘10x developer’ still relevant in the age of advanced language models like ChatGPT and Copilot? In this article, I explore how these AI-powered tools can significantly boost productivity for Ruby developers. From effortlessly writing verbose test cases to generating utility snippets for libraries you rarely use, these tools are game-changers. I even delve into how ChatGPT can assist in navigating tricky office communications. Whether you’re a seasoned Rubyist or new to the language, you’ll find valuable insights on leveraging AI for more efficient and effective coding. [more inside]

Tutorial: Ruby GUI with Glimmer (by Mattias Velamsson)

Mattias Velamsson recently shared a beginner’s tutorial for making a GUI (Graphical User Interface) in Ruby titled “Ruby GUI with Glimmer”. It provides a step-by-step code walkthrough that produces a full-fledged web-API-driven table-based business application. It uses various gems and APIs like glimmer-dsl-libui, dotenv, Net::HTTP, URI, JSON, and the Exchange Rates Data API. [more inside]

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