RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Rate Limited APIs

I’ve been working with a Rate Limited API recently where the rate is ridiculously small for the application. Being a poor dev without bacon all I can afford is the free API key…. and of course the library that I’m using to access the API has no knowledge of how to handle rate limited APIs. I came up with an idea to inject rate limitations via the configuration of the API key. It only took a minor modification to the API wrapper library to recognize that the api key could be a Proc. Pull Request to the library author; rate limiter built; all is right with the world. [more inside]

RubyConf 2023 How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby (Accepted)

My RubyConf 2023 workshop submission titled “How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby” has been accepted! It will take place in San Diego, California, USA on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 10am PT. Workshop seating is limited, so please RSVP for your spot over here: This workshop expands on last year’s RubyConf 2022 talk “Building Native GUI Apps in Ruby” ( ).

rubidity-simulacrum gem v0.1 - run blockchain contracts in rubidity w/ eth simulator

Hello, yes, rubidity started as a joke (by Middlemarch a.k.a. Tom Lehman this summer). can it get any more stupid!? let’s try. some years ago i put together an ethereum simulator called universum (yes, in ruby). now that rubidity is a kind of better (or 100% solidity-compatible) version of secure ruby i put together a 2nd generation ethereum simulator (universum v2) called … drum roll, please … simulacrum. i published the first rubidity-simulacrum gem (v0.1) that lets you run (dumb) blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidity compatible data types & abis) on an ethereum simulacrum in your own home for fun & profit (for free). happy blockchain programming with ruby & rubidity. ps: rubidity SOON! on mainnet. See Introducing DumbSwap!.

rubidity-typed gem update - "zero-dependency" typed value and reference classes

Hello, for those one or two people interested in rubidity - a it’s just ruby version with 100%-compatible solidity types and abis - i updated the rubidity-typed gem that’s the foundation with with “zero-dependency” typed value and reference classes. it’s still (very) early. if anyone is interested in typed ruby (at runtime only; no static type-checker) i invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together.

Glimmer DSL for SWT Released

Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) version has just been released! It is that quarterly release the happens when a new version of the Eclipse SWT GUI toolkit is released (SWT 4.29 was released in September of 2023). [more inside]

rubidity language design choices - classic vs more ruby-ish - you decide

Hello, as a follow up to rubidity gem - ruby for layer (l1) contracts / protocols language machinery i have started to collect notes on the new rubidity (blockchain) contract programming language that now has two styles - the original “classic” and the more ruby-ish update (i am working on). anyways, python has vyper¹ and now ruby will SOON! have rubidity for contract programming “on-chain” or “off-chain”. It’s still (very) early. I invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together building a typed programming machinery in ruby (100% compatible with solidity types & abis). [more inside]

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