RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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rubidity gem - ruby for layer (l1) contracts / protocols language machinery

Hello, as a follow up to rubidity-typed gem - “zero-dependency” type machinery for rubidity i have published the first rubidity gem itself (building on the rubidity-typed gem) that let’s you run rubidity contracts “off-chain” with plain old ruby interpreters. It’s still (very) early. I invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together building a type (and contract / protocol blockchain) machinery in ruby.

re2 2.0.0: vendored RE2 & native gems

Following last week’s beta, version 2.0.0 of re2 (Ruby bindings to Google’s RE2 “fast, safe, thread-friendly” regular expression library) is now available from RubyGems. Unlike version 1, it no longer requires the underlying RE2 library to be installed separately as it is now vendored with the gem and precompiled, native gems are available for Linux, Windows and macOS. [more inside]

This is cool.

Talking to Hostile APIs

APIs allow us to communicate with third party software in order to use their services and data. In today’s software it’s almost impossible not needing to use one, one way or another. What if they are hostile? [more inside]

Exploring Ruby Warnings

We are used to checking the deprecation warnings displayed by Rails or warnings from different gems, but Ruby itself can also display warnings to help us find code that can be problematic. [more inside]

Rauversion 🤘 The self-hosted music industries built on Rails 🤘

We’re excited to share this release with you all: a fresh take on music streaming platforms, reminiscent of SoundCloud and Bandcamp, but with some unique features that cater to artists, music enthusiasts, and event hosts alike. Built using the power and flexibility of Rails and Hotwire, we’re proud of what we’ve achieved and would love to hear your feedback! [more inside]

rubidity-typed gem - "zero-dependency" type machinery for rubidity

Hello, as a follow up to Rubidity - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts with “Off-Chain” Indexer I have published the first “zero-dependency” rubidity gem. Let’s welcome the rubidity-typed gem bundling-up the “zero-dependency” type machinery incl. (frozen) string, address, uint256, contract and more for rubidity for easy (re)use and experiments. It’s still (very) early. I invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together building a type machinery in ruby.

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