RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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rubidity language design choices - classic vs more ruby-ish - you decide

Hello, as a follow up to rubidity gem - ruby for layer (l1) contracts / protocols language machinery i have started to collect notes on the new rubidity (blockchain) contract programming language that now has two styles - the original “classic” and the more ruby-ish update (i am working on). anyways, python has vyper¹ and now ruby will SOON! have rubidity for contract programming “on-chain” or “off-chain”. It’s still (very) early. I invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together building a typed programming machinery in ruby (100% compatible with solidity types & abis).

note 1: if you ever wonder? (pythonic) vyper vs rubidity. rubidity runs on ruby NOT the ethereum vm (evm) or such e.g. rubidity loads/dumps state and only has “call data” on-chain and storage is off-chain via indexer.

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