The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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solidity-typed gem v0.1 (formerly known as rubidity-typed) - ruby ♥ solidity
Hello, i published a new version and renamed the gem formerly known as rubidity-typed to solidity-typed. the new blurb reads: solidity-typed - “zero-dependency” 100%-solidity compatible data type and application binary interface (abi) machinery incl. bool, (frozen) string, address, bytes, uint, int, enum, struct, array, mapping, event, and more for solidity-inspired contract (blockchain) programming languages incl. rubidity et al. and the FAQ on Why? says Why Not? or more serious answer here. PS: rubyist hate solidity. solidity programmers hate ruby. a perfect match! ruby ♥ solidity. join us in spreading the ruby love (in blockchain contract programming) ;-).
Optimistic Locking ( Rails Internals Again )
Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Ben Sheldon, the creator and maintainer of GoodJob. [more inside]
Rails 7. StartKit supports PgAdmin4. Video introduction
In this video Rails 7. StartKit supports PgAdmin4 you will know how to use PgAdmin 4 with Rails7. StartKit. Rails 7. Start Kit is a dockerized Rails app with many preinstalled tools that could be launched on any platform in minutes. Happy Coding!
Rouge Gtk Theme Loader
Just pushed rouge-gtk_theme_loader to Github and Rubygems. [more inside]
Profiling Ruby using eBPF
Hey everyone 👋 We have recently implemented an eBPF-based Ruby profiler for our open-source continuous profiler project, check it out! [more inside]
Rubidity By Example - An introduction to Rubidity with simple (contract) examples
Hello, in the ongoing rubidity series (type-safe “blockchain” programming with solidity compatible data types & abis in ruby) i started Rubidity By Example - an introduction to Rubidity with simple (contract) examples (inspired and mostly following Solidity By Example) that you can run with Simulacrum. The first chapters include Hello World, First App, Reading and Writing to a State Variable, Array, Enum Structs, and more. Hapyy contract (blockchain) programming with ruby. PS: For those one or two rubyists in the world interested in rubidity - i started a rubidity community discord chat server. join us. link is invite.
Integration Patterns for Distributed Architecture - Intro to Kafka for Rubyists
In the last blog post, we covered a general overview of integration patterns for distributed architecture, and now it’s time to get into further details. [more inside]
Hanami v2.1.0.beta2
Previewing front-end assets for Hanami 2.1 and our new CLI command: hanami dev
Theme voting for the 5th Gosu Game Jam is now open!
Join the jam on and vote for this jams theme! [more inside]
The registry pattern in Hanami apps | Hanami Mastery #049
We have published a cross-over episode about registry pattern in Hanami apps [more inside]
Bundler 2.4.20 understands .ruby-version files
Gemfiles have a ruby
line that specifies a Ruby version, and most projects also have a .ruby-version
file that duplicates this value. The good news is that now you can DRY this up with Bundler 2.4.20’s new Gemfile syntax, like this: ruby file: ".ruby-version"
. The asdf .tool-versions
file is also supported.
Distributing Docker Images for Rails Apps With GitHub Actions
The upcoming release of Rails is just around the corner, with the announcement of the release candidate for Rails 7.1. This new version contains lots of exciting updates, among them the inclusion of Dockerfiles when generating new applications. Learn how to automatically build and distribute Docker images for your Rails apps using GitHub Actions:
Our Favorite Development Tools with Drew Bragg | Rubber Duck Dev Show 102
In this episode, we discuss the hardware and software each of us use in our software development work with guest Drew Bragg:
rubidity-typed gem - lets you use Mapping‹Address→UInt›.new or Array‹UInt›.new
Hello, in the ongoing rubidity series (type-safe “blockchain” programming with solidity compatible data types & abis in ruby) i uploaded a new “zero-dependency” rubidity-typed gem. What’s news? Now you can use (user-defined typed) structs and enums and with the new Types module / namespace TypedArray now becomes Array, and TypedString becomes String and so on and thanks to unicode “magic” you can even use Mapping‹Address→UInt›.new or Array‹UInt›.new for working / valid (typed) class names. it’s still (very) early. i invite you to join the fun and let’s explore and learn together. PS: See the crowdfunder contract (ruby script) to see (Rubidity) enums, structs, and more in action.
[Screencast] Embedding Stripe Checkout
Stripe Checkout is one of my favorite ways to handle payments in Ruby on Rails applications. Stripe Checkouts will soon have an option to embed the Checkout into your web application. In this episode, we’ll look at implementing this feature with a StimulusJS controller.
[ANN] sprockets_terser_with_source_maps 1.0.0 Released
sprockets_terser_with_source_maps version 1.0.0 has been released! [more inside]
PopRuby - New online store just for Rubyists
A really cool online store focused on Ruby-inspired clothing and accessories just for Ruby programmers -
How to locate the source of a Ruby method
I noticed that it’s a repeating pain to figure out how to find where a specific method on a ruby object is defined, i.e. find its source code. And it’s actually very easy once you know. So I wrote about it and covered a few trickier cases as well: