RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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solidity-typed gem v0.1 (formerly known as rubidity-typed) - ruby ♥ solidity

Hello, i published a new version and renamed the gem formerly known as rubidity-typed to solidity-typed. the new blurb reads: solidity-typed - “zero-dependency” 100%-solidity compatible data type and application binary interface (abi) machinery incl. bool, (frozen) string, address, bytes, uint, int, enum, struct, array, mapping, event, and more for solidity-inspired contract (blockchain) programming languages incl. rubidity et al. and the FAQ on Why? says Why Not? or more serious answer here. PS: rubyist hate solidity. solidity programmers hate ruby. a perfect match! ruby ♥ solidity. join us in spreading the ruby love (in blockchain contract programming) ;-).

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