RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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7 Lesser-Known Features and Changes in Rails 7.1

Dockerfiles and has_secure_password improvements are the headline features of Rails 7.1, but there are several more interesting improvements to the developer experience that aren’t heavily promoted in the release notes. I’m particularly happy that some long-standing Rails issues have been addressed: better testing of errors in integration tests, and a fix for unruly log files. Here’s a list of 7 things that caught my eye in Rails 7.1:

soliscript v0.1 gem (formerly rubidity-simulacrum) - solidity ♥ ruby

Hello, i published a new version and renamed the gem formerly known as rubidity-simulacrum to soliscript. the new blurb reads: soliscript - run blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidity compatible data types & abis) on an ethereum simulacrum in your own home for fun & profit (for free) and the FAQ on Why? says Why Not? or more serious answer - let’s remove the hated ruby from the name for our solidity friends (to maybe give it a try). PS: solidity programmers hate ruby. rubyist hate solidity. a perfect match! solidity ♥ ruby . join us in spreading the ruby love (in blockchain contract programming) ;-).

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