RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

What's New in Ruby 3.3.0? (Prism, YJIT, RJIT, GC, Performance, M:N)

With the Ruby 3.3.0 release around the corner, we wanted to share a summary of the changes that are coming in this new version. There are many exciting new features and improvements:

  • Prism
  • YJIT
  • RJIT
  • Performance warnings
  • Lrama
  • M:N Thread Scheduler

TL;DR: Ruby 3.3 brings performance improvements in many areas: faster and less frequent garbage collection, memory optimizations, faster code, and YJIT improvements. And the best part is that, in most applications, these performance improvements will be noticeable without any modification of the code! 🚀

Read all the details here: What’s new in Ruby 3.3.0

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