The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Asynchronous Loading in Active Record: Boosting the Performance of your Rails Applica
Introduction to what is asynchronous data loading in Active Record with the load_async method and its friends. [more inside]
GitImproved 0.1.0 released
GitImproved is a wrapper script for Git command. It provides intuitive and much better interface than Git. See the simple document for details. [more inside]
Benry-CmdApp 1.0.0 released
Benry-CmdApp is a framework for command-line applications that use subcommands, like git
, docker
, or npm
Release 1.0.0 has been completely rewritten from scratch and includes many breaking changes.
See the document for details.
datauris gem v1 - (modern) helpers to parse / build data uris (incl. base64)
hello, did you know? the most popular data uri gem (4+ million downloads) in rubyland is from anno 2014 (last update) unmaintained and broken (?). is ruby ded? not yet. let’s push a gem with (modern) helpers to parse / build data uris incl. base64-encoded/decoded images and more. let’s welcome the datauris gem v1 - last update some minutes ago ;-). questions and comments welcome.
How We Escaped the Dependency Upgrade Maze on 20+ Projects
Open-source dependencies are practical, convenient, time-saving – and sure to make your life miserable if left unattended. Read on to learn how we optimized our dependency upgrade process and got all our Ruby on Rails projects updated to the latest version with minimum time loss. [more inside]
Use enum to store integer instead of string as class name in polymorphic associations
Super simple solution to improve performance of polymorphic associations
015: Exploring Turbo 8 with Jorge Manrubia
In this episode, @jorgemanru and I dive deep into Turbo 8, discuss Active Record Encryption, working at @37signals and a lot more! [more inside]
How Much Does it Cost to Upgrade Rails? has invested more than 30,000 hours in total in upgrading Rails applications, having completed more than 100 upgrade projects. In this article, we’ll leverage our historical data and what we learned to help you answer this question: How much will this cost? [more inside]
How to use UUIDv7 in Rails for primary keys
UUIDv7 is a new time-sorted UUID format. I did a quick write-up on how to use it in Rails and Postgres. [more inside]
25 Days of Ruby (Crypto) Gems - Ruby Advent Calendar 2023, Dec 1st - 25th
Hello, some years ago i edited / published 25 Days of Ruby Gems - Ruby Advent Calendar 2020, December 1st - December 25th. here’s an idea - let’s retry this year in 2023 with a twist - toxic rubyists hate crypto / blockchain and you get canceled and ignored left & right - anyways, as a show of welcoming all in rubyland - yes, let’s make this year’s theme crypo & blockchain including of course cryptograhpy gems (for you crypto haters). anyone? say hello, here. ps: i would reach out on other ruby “channels” but i am banned for life (ruby-talk, reddit, etc.).
Small Ruby Tip: Interactive debugging without the need for gems
Discover a simple and fast way to debug in Ruby without installing additional gems. [more inside]
Black Friday Deals for Rubyists
I’ve started a small curated list of Black Friday deals for helpful Ruby products that educate, and save time when building Ruby projects: templates, dev setup tools, workshops, and tutorials. I’ll be adding more as I find them. Contact me if you have a deal of your own or a recommendation.
Using thor for command line tasks
Most ruby developers rely on rake for command line tasks, but there is a tool called thor, developed by the Rails Core team, which is better suited in many cases, for instance, if you need to deal with command line arguments. I wrote a short article explaining how to do that: [more inside]
ethscribe gem v0.1 - lite web client wrapper around the api(s)
hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. let’s welcome the new ethscribe gem - a little lite web client wrapper around the api(s) that lets you query for inscriptions metadata & content and more. now you can automate right-click & save of “on-chain” (image) inscriptions with ethscribe. happy blockchaining, data wrangling and image processing with ruby.
Rails 7.1 Expands ActiveRecord API with Async Query Support
Read about ActiveRecord API with Async Query Support [more inside]
RubyConf 2023 Recap
An attendee’s perspective of my time at RubyConf 2023.
Software Developer Continuing Education | Rubber Duck Dev Show 109
In this episode, we discuss software developer continuing education and all the different options available:
Rails Exception Notifier | Alternative to or
ExceptionNotification is a gem for Ruby on Rails applications that provides a simple and customizable way to handle error tracking and notifications. When an exception occurs in your Rails application, ExceptionNotification can automatically send you details about the error via different notifiers, such as email, Slack, or even custom webhooks. [more inside]
Introducing Lesli: A Practical SaaS Development Framework
Lesli is a SaaS Development Framework designed to build highly scalable, secure and customizable software products. Built-on top of Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Vuejs, Bulma, SASS and many more awesome open-source libraries, packages, gems and tools. [more inside]
rubysol gem v0.1 - more rubies for layer 1 (l1) contract programming
hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. the rubidity next gem (and language) is now known as rubysol and sports its very own gem series (incl. rubysol-contracts, and more) and the rubidity-classic gem is now the one and only rubidity gem. what’s the difference (in a nutshell)? rubidity tries to be as close as possible in syntax to solidity and rubysol tries to be as close as possible in syntax to ruby. you pick. you decide. happy blockchaining / (dumb) contract programming with ruby.
Technical Review of Open Source Feedbin
I am continuing the series of open-source reviews with feedbin