RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Slides & Code for RubyConf 2023 Workshop "How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby"

Thanks to everyone who attended my RubyConf 2023 2-Hour Workshop “How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby”. For those who missed the event, I posted the presentation slides and code exercises (27 exercises) on GitHub. I also blogged about the new Color The Circles game app that was developed at the RubyConf 2023 Community Day Glimmer Desktop Hacking event. [more inside]

Programming DeFi: Uniswap V2. Part 2 - Ruby / Rubysol Ed.

hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. this might be the world’s 1st article on rubysol (contract) programming: Programming DeFi: Uniswap V2. Part 2 written by Ivan Kuznetsov - and edited and the code changed to ruby / rubysol by my humble self. enjoy. PS: for reference the UniswapPairV2 contract, part ii in ruby / rubysol. From the article: Today we’ll add the core functionality to our clone of Uniswap V2–swapping. Decentralized tokens exchanging is what Uniswap was created for, and today we’ll see how it’s done. We’re still working on the core pair contract…

programming (decentralized finance) uniswap v2 - ruby / rubysol edition started

hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. i started to rewrite the uniswap v2 contracts and tests in Ivan Kuznetsov’s definite (free) in-depth (let’s rebuild the contracts from scratch) articles on Uniswap from solidity into ruby / rubysol. see Programming (Decentralized Finance - DeFi) - Uniswap V2 Contracts - Ruby / Rubysol Edition for more. happy blockchaining with ruby / rubysol. PS: for part i - see UniswapV2Pair.rb an the tests in test_UniswapV2Pair.rb.

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