RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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ReadyTech Cuts Infrastructure Costs 5-10% With Ruby on Rails Upgrade

ReadyTech identified several vital goals for their upgrade project:

  1. Accelerate revenue growth by fast-tracking product development using the newest Ruby gems
  2. Reduce infrastructure costs by improving system performance by 5% or more
  3. Increase the stability of mission-critical applications that support a huge number of students, apprentices, and job seekers
  4. Improve talent acquisition, retention, and morale by equipping engineers with modern development tools

After the upgrade project, James Diamond, Chief Executive, Education & Work Pathways said: “Now we’re more stable, we’re moving faster, our engineering morale is better, and our infrastructure costs are going down.”

Read more here: ReadyTech Accelerates Revenue Growth, Cuts Infrastructure Costs 5-10% with Ruby on Rails Upgrade

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