The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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[Screencast] Hotkeys
Keyboard shortcuts, or Hotkeys, can provide a great experience to users of an application. In this episode, we will use a stimulus wrapper around this library to use within our Ruby on Rails application.
Benry-CmdOpt 2.4.0 and Benry-CmdApp 1.1.0 released
Benry-CmdOpt is a command-line option parser, much better than optparse.rb
. [more inside]
We Love Monkes - Let's generate 5000 punks (24×24px) in a "We Love Monkes" edition
Hello, i prepared a 5000 “We Love Monkes” punks pixel art image (24px) collection. Yes, in ruby. The /welovemonkes repo includes everything incl. the sprites / tiles / attributes, the random meta data generation, the image generation one-by-one in 1x and 8x and an all-in-one composite fam and more. happy pixel pushing with ruby.
SSH Key Switcher 1.0.1 has been released!
A simple and efficient Ruby gem for managing and switching between OpenSSH keys seamlessly [more inside]
kramdown-man 1.0.0 has been released!
kramdown-man 1.0.0 has been released! kramdown-man
allows you to write man pages in pure markdown. This release adds support for definition lists, improved inter-man-page relative links, and an improved kramdown-man
Building a SaaS application in five minutes
Hello fellow developers! Today, I want to share an example of how to build a SaaS application in five minutes using the Lesli framework. [more inside]
Be careful when migrating Rails ActiveStorage app to different server
I’ve been migrating my personal Rails 7 project from Heroku to dedicated server. In this project I heavily rely on ActiveStorage for file uploads/images. [more inside]
ruby-install 0.9.3 released!
ruby-install 0.9.3 has been released! This release contains three important bug fixes for macOS users, namely ruby-install
can now automatically select which openssl package version to use based on whether you are installing Ruby >= 3.1 (openssl-3.0) or Ruby <= 3.0 (openssl-1.1). See the Release Notes for more information.
scribelite gem v0.1 - Inscription / Inscribe SQL Database for Ethereum & Co.
hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. let’s welcome the new scribelite gem - an inscription / inscribe (calldata) database (schema & models) for ethereum & co. that let’s you query via sql and more. now you can build your own off-chain indexer and more. happy blockchaining, data wrangling and dash boarding with ruby.
Rails 7.1 Introduces Default Dockerfiles
Rails 7.1 Introduces Default Dockerfiles. Dockerfiles facilitate the deployment of Rails applications in production environments using Docker. [more inside]
gen-AI Prompt Management with Ruby
Discussing the prompt_manager gem with IRB examples. [more inside]
Turbo 8 in 8 minutes
I wrote so people can quickly get a feel for the upcoming Turbo 8 release without getting bogged down by details other articles include that compare Turbo 8 with older versions of Turbo. [more inside]
Staying Ahead of the Rails Curve: Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Upgrade for Com
Most people and companies that we talk to about upgrades assume that we generally help organizations that need to migrate to the latest Rails version. [more inside]
Font awesome icons in Hanami 2 apps!
I’m coming back with the tutorials, with a series about the view-layer. [more inside]
Reexamining FizzBuzz Step by Step – and allowing for more varied rules
I went and reexamined the good old FizzBuzz coding challenge to walk through it step by step and make it more extensible using a Rule
Using Turbo Frames and Streams without Rails
Recently I’ve been using Turbo frames and streams more and wanted to really understand how they work. To do that I set out to rebuild a very simple To-Do application (peak originality!), using Turbo but without Rails or turbo-rails gem. I did that using vanilla Sinatra. As you’ll see, it was really simple: Using Turbo Frames and Streams without Rails
Benry-CmdOpt 2.3.0 released
Benry-CmdOpt 2.3.0 released.
Benry-CmdOpt is a command option parser, much better than optparse.rb
In this release, validation of option definitions is improved. [more inside]
A Brief Introduction to the Lesli Gem
This is the continuation of my previous post regarding the Lesli SaaS Framework. This time, I’d like to explore further into the Lesli gem. [more inside]
The Utility of ActiveModel
The Utility of ActiveModel: Make use of various ActiveModel modules in your ruby objects to get ActiveRecord like behavior like type casting, validation, and callbacks.
Rails 7.1 Adds ActiveJob#perform_all_later To Enqueue Multiple Jobs At Once
Bring efficiency and flexibility to job enqueuing in Rails 7.1 with ActiveJob’s perform_all_later. Handle diverse job arguments, support bulk enqueuing, and offer enhanced control over job execution. [more inside]
Programming Ethscriptions - Ch. 1: Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ethscriptions
Hello, i started a new (free) online book titled “Programming Ethscriptions (in Ruby) - Step-by-Step Book / Guide”. the first chapter titled “Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ethscriptions” is online. happy blockchain and data analytics scripting with ruby.