RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Using the XDG Base Directory Specification

Hello. 👋 I wanted to share an article on leveraging XDG in your CLIs, web applications, libraries, frameworks, etc. There’s been some chatter in this space as of late, which is great to see, so wanted to show how this works and gems you can use to build upon it if interested. There’s a lot you can do with this specification, so enjoy!

How to Dual Boot Your Ruby or Rails Application with Different Versions of Ruby

Dual booting Ruby is similar to any other dependency, but there are some important differences that we need to address to do it right. There are more ways to do this but we try to minimize the disruption to the normal development workflow as much as possible. With these ideas you can default to use the current Ruby version while also being able to use the next version on demand with a few commands. [more inside]

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