RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Lode 1.0.0: A PStore enhancer

Lode  —  as in geological deposit or a vein of minerals  —  is a PStore of object data that can be mined for valuable information. Granted, the PStore gem is a more esoteric default library written by the Ruby Core team but, with Lode, you can build upon PStore with more flexible functionality that wasn’t possible before. Enjoy!

Extralite 2.6 Released

I’m excited to announce the release of Extralite 2.6. Extralite is a Ruby gem for working with SQLite databases, offering great performance (up to 14X the performance of the sqlite3 gem!), comprehensive support for concurrent query execution, and advanced features such as batch query execution and backups. [more inside]

Punks, The Mini Edition (12×12px) - Let's Generate The Presidents and Punk Rocks

Hello, i updated the quick starter kit for punks, the mini edition in 12px (“classic” is 24px). yes, 75% less pixels. Generate the presidents (of the united states), that is, joe (biden), donald (trump), nikki (haley) or let’s rock the punks with punk rocks. use text-to-image prompts. e.g. joe, regular shades, blue cap or rock gray, peak spike red. Yes, in ruby. happy pixel pushing with ruby.

Montreal.rb Jan 2024 Building an AI Medical Scribe in Ruby

The video of the Jan 2024 Montreal.rb Ruby Meetup A.I. talk “Building an AI Medical Scribe in Ruby” by Jean-Sebastien Boulanger (CTO of Circle Medical) has been posted. Description: “In this talk, I’ll share insights from our experience creating an AI medical scribe using Ruby at Circle Medical, a hybrid primary care provider seeing over 50,000 patients monthly. We leveraged Large Language Models (LLMs) to create a scribe to enhance clinical documentation and save doctors’ time.” [more inside]

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