RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

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Composite primary keys in Rails

There are scenarios where a combination of columns needs to be used as the primary key. This is where composite primary keys come into play. This article explores composite primary keys, how they work in Rails, when they should be used, and what to consider when using them. [more inside]

Ruby Community Conference

Ruby folks, I wanted to let you know that tickets for Ruby Warsaw Community Conference may run out soon. We have already more than 200 people. If you’re planning to attend, now is the perfect time to secure your spot! [more inside]

Glimmer Goes Web!!!

Last September, I gave a talk titled “Intro To Ruby in the Browser” about how to use Ruby for Frontend Development in Rails as a complete replacement for JavaScript as per Matz’s RubyConf 2022 Keynote Speech. I concluded the talk by mentioning a then upcoming project called Glimmer DSL for Web that would make Ruby in the Browser the simplest, most intuitive, most straight-forward, and most productive Software Engineering experience in Frontend Development in any Programming Language or Technology. Well, The future is now! Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web GUI Frontend Library) just had its 0.2.2 Beta Release [more inside]

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