The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Rails 7.1 Adds path_params Option For url_for Helper Method
With Rails 7.1, the path_params option for the url_for helper method allows specified params to be used exclusively for named segments under scoped routing without unnecessarily appending parameters to every URL. [more inside]
Tailwind and Ruby-on-Rails starter kit
Yes, I know, starter kits are all the rage nowadays, but I needed something more design-centric. Flowbite being the best option IMHO so far. [more inside]
Composite primary keys in Rails
There are scenarios where a combination of columns needs to be used as the primary key. This is where composite primary keys come into play. This article explores composite primary keys, how they work in Rails, when they should be used, and what to consider when using them. [more inside]
Speed Up Your Ruby on Rails Application with LiteCache
In the fifth part of this series, we’ll use LiteCache to speed up our Rails app:
Ruby Community Conference
Ruby folks, I wanted to let you know that tickets for Ruby Warsaw Community Conference may run out soon. We have already more than 200 people. If you’re planning to attend, now is the perfect time to secure your spot! [more inside]
Should you use Hotwire or a Frontend framework on your next Rails project?
If you need to make this decision, sometimes it will be obvious, sometimes less so. Here I present an angle that you might find useful, based on looking at where the complexity of the project is located: Should you use Hotwire or a Frontend framework on your next Rails project?
The first commits I did in a Ruby on Rails repo
Here I detail the first commits I did in a Ruby on Rails side project: includes Rubocop, Brakeman, Rubycritic, importmaps audit and some other smaller tweaks.
Using devcontainers in GitHub Actions CI workflows
It’s simpler than ever to wire CI pipelines in GitHub Actions, thanks to devcontainers. Here’s how I run Rails test suites these days in GitHub workflows.
punks gem v1.0.0 - text-to-image generators for punks 24px, 32px, & 12px
hello, i have updated the punks gem v1.0.0 that includes many text-to-image generators for punk pixel heads / characters in 24px, 32px and now in 12px too. happy pixel pushing and image generation with ruby. ps: for a command-line tool using the text-to-image gem(s), see the Factory of Modern Originals (FoMO)
Rails flash messages and UX
Flash message is a very old notion of Ruby-on-Rails. This article will be focused on the usability and accessibility of these messages. [more inside]
Milestoner 17.1.0: With ASCII Doc and Markdown support
Happy to announce Milestoner 17.1.0 is out with ASCII Doc and Markdown build formats. 🎉 This is a great way to celebrate the accomplishments of your team – including the automate versioning of your project – in additional build formats other than stream (console) or web (HTML) formats. Enjoy!
Programming Ruby (Pickaxe Book) In Print!
I’m excited to announce that Programming Ruby is now in print! [more inside]
Finding where a method is defined in Ruby using IRB
A series of examples from simple code to more complex cases showing how to use IDE commands to find source
Keep your Ruby Code Maintainable with Draper
Let’s dive into what Decorator is, how to use it, and explore using Decorators in Draper for a Ruby application:
Webhook Backend in Ruby
Hello Rubyists, After the good holidays, here is a new article for those interested in Webhooks and how it works under the hood. With an implementation in Rails :p [more inside]
Glimmer Goes Web!!!
Last September, I gave a talk titled “Intro To Ruby in the Browser” about how to use Ruby for Frontend Development in Rails as a complete replacement for JavaScript as per Matz’s RubyConf 2022 Keynote Speech. I concluded the talk by mentioning a then upcoming project called Glimmer DSL for Web that would make Ruby in the Browser the simplest, most intuitive, most straight-forward, and most productive Software Engineering experience in Frontend Development in any Programming Language or Technology. Well, The future is now! Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web GUI Frontend Library) just had its 0.2.2 Beta Release [more inside]
How to Use Brakeman to Find Security Vulnerabilities in your Rails app
Security is a huge concern for all of us and our web applications. [more inside]
Test Doubles: Testing at the Boundaries of Your Ruby Application
One essential tool that we as software developers rely on is known as “test doubles.” These versatile components come in various forms, including dummies, fakes, stubs, spies, and mocks. However, like other power tools, they require careful handling to prevent unintended consequences. [more inside]