RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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RedisQueuedLocks [major 1.1.0 release]

Previously posted that RQL - the new tool for working with redis distributed locks with an ability to queue your lock requests in FIFO manner inside - is almost ready to release 1.0.0. version . But - here is a 1.1.0 has come!

Documentation updates, little feature updates, minor fixes, major-release and roadmap updates. And i am waiting for RQL to be added to the official documentation.

The next major update will include the support for many RedisClient instances inside RQL-client with a strict support of redlock algoritm based on multiple non-related redis isntances (now it requires one RedisClient object and the Redis infrastracture should be maintained by yourself including clustering and etc).

Thank you for any feedback!

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