The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Four Things To Take Away From RailsConf 2024
Whether you were at RailsConf and wish we were still there, or missed it and you’re curious, I’ve got you. I wrote about my takeaways from RailsConf 2024. [more inside]
Hidden feature of Turbo: stream actions inside regular HTML
This is not in the documentation but it is possible to insert turbo stream actions anywhere in any rendered HTML and it will just work. This can be handy in a number of situations, Example and details of how it works are in the article (9min read time): Hidden feature of Turbo: stream actions inside regular HTML
Concurrency and parallelism in Ruby 💎 It looks like a philosophy essay title, but they are fundamental developing principles. [more inside]
Hanami shrine Showing an simple, flexible file handling solution in hanami, with ROM-rb ORM, using Shrine. Also contains some of my thoughts on active-storage in comparison to shrine.
Ruby class pattern to work with API requests with built-in async approach
Ruby pattern to connect multiple APIs to your project more easily with async requests approach
Concurrent-ruby (async) S3 files download
Short intro to concurrent-ruby with S3 files download example
Rails Deployments Made Easy with Terraform and Kamal
Looking to spin up and manage a server on the cloud to deploy your Rails applications using Kamal? This video will show you how to create a server on Hetzner Cloud using Terraform, then set up your Rails app to deploy it to the newly-provisioned server with Kamal.
My proposal for a better migration versioning
Today I want to share a new approach to Ruby on Rails migration versioning that aims to enhance organization and clarity. [more inside]
Videos to Walkthrough Rails Deployment
Videos are now available that walks you through the steps to deploy Rails app to EC2. Videos
Ruby on Rails Devs Choose Technologies To Do The Best Job Possible For Customers
Ruby on Rails developers who say things like “Oh! It is OK to use any programming language you like! Whatever strikes your fancy is good! JavaScript is OK if that’s what you like. If you prefer TypeScript, go for it!” are some of the…
Headless UI with StimulusJS and an Outlet
Headless UI 2.0 just came out from TailwindLabs. I often find myself using their components in my projects, and I wanted to show you my process for converting their React components to use Stimulus, since I haven’t been using React in any of my projects.
RedisQueuedLocks [1.3.0] Support for Reentrant Locks
Recently announced new distributed redis locks on Ruby (that works in advisory-locks manner with queue capabilities) reached the new verison 1.3.0 with a support for reentrant locks (when the lock is obtained again from the same process that is already hold this lock). [more inside]
Debugging in Ruby with pry-byebug
Let’s set up and use pry-byebug, a gem that adds debugging and stack navigation to pry using byebug:
Hanami and htmx - progress bar example
Article showing off Hanami and HTMX used in combination, to create an updating progress bar It is sort of a tutorial, but more of a my own write-up of what I experimented with an learned. Some more hanami articles are on the blog page, with more to come
Tips and Tricks
In this episode, we look at various tricks in Ruby on Rails as well as some other neat tricks.
New release of actual_db_schema
Exciting news! 🚀 The latest release of the actual_db_schema is out. It adds multiple database support, which is the most wanted feature. Streamline your dev experience like never before! Huge thanks to everyone who contributed and reported issues on GitHub. I must admit that adding this feature was challenging. The main PR is here.
HexaPDF 0.41.0 released
This release brings support for certain AcroForm field JavaScript calculation actions andother (mostly AcroForm related) improvements. [more inside]
Setting up ActiveStorage + CloudflareR2 + Quill
In this post, I explain how you can set up Quill Editor on Ruby on Rails with Active Storage and Cloudflare R2! Let me know your thoughts! [more inside]
Simple Test for Revealing Fake Rubyists in the Rails Community
Here is a very easy test for figuring out if someone in the Rails community is a Real Rubyist who truly gets Ruby and its unique benefits 100% compared to other programming languages or a Fake Rubyist who is just riding the Ruby on Rails bandwagon because it is “cool” or because they heard about it from an acquaintance without thinking for themselves… [more inside]
Ruby Fusion - Initial Gathering
If you’d like to attend a gathering devoted to blending of Object Oriented with Functional programming in Ruby, check out Ruby Fusion on Thursday (2024-05-09) at 7pm MDT. This is our initial gathering of folks that are excited to be working, learning, and growing in this space. The gathering is virtual and free to attend but capacity is very limited at the moment so don’t hesitate if interested!