RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Run and roll back migrations via UI

Tired of using the CLI for running and rolling back migrations? There is a solution for you. The recent release of actual_db_schema (v0.7.6) provides a web UI to list, view details, migrate, and roll back your schema migrations. With zero configuration, simply install the actual_db_schema gem, visit http://localhost:3000/rails/migrations, and enjoy. In addition to the actual migrations, it will also show the phantom ones (those that were migrated in feature branches) that can be rolled back with just one click. Watch a short video in this tweet that shows all that in action.

Integrating Sidekiq with Async

In this post I explain how you can have persistent connections to Redis using Async::Redis client inside Sidekiq and why it doesn’t work by default. There are some basic explanations of how Async and Sidekiq work and some source code.

A new interactive mode for Bundler

Announcing bundle_update_interactive, a new gem that adds a nifty update-interactive command to Bundler, inspired by yarn upgrade-interactive. Browse the gems in your project that need updating, identify the ones affected by security vulnerabilities, and see risks at a glance with semver color highlighting. Having second thoughts about an upgrade? A changelog link is displayed for each gem so you can dive into the details. More docs and screenshots in the README:

Another bundle update related gem: …
For some additional context: bundle_update_interactive is an improved, interact…
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