The Ruby and Rails community linklog
Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!
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Pt. 2 now live!
Filterameter 1.0.1: Support for Ruby LSP
Just released Filterameter 1.0.1, with support for Ruby LSP including Hover and Go-to-Definition.
How Honeybadger migrated from Sidekiq to Karafka
Honeybadger recently migrated our background job processing from Sidekiq to Karafka. Here’s what we learned.
A simple trick to understand Ruby’s lazy enumerator
You may not typically need to reach for a lazy enumerator, but it sure comes in handy when you do. But how do you know when to use it? [more inside]
Awesome Ruby blogs
Hello everybody! 👏 I want to share with you an updated list of awesome Ruby blogs Feel free for send me pull request! I will be glad if you find something new for yourself in it. Thanks and have a good winter day! ❄️ 💎 ⛄
Glimmer DSL for Web now officially supports Rails 7.1 & 7.2
Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby-in-the-Browser Web Frontend Framework) version 0.6.4 has been released! It now officially supports Rails 7.1 & 7.2 (Rails 8 support is planned for the future).
Notes on pair programming with Aider when Python isn't readily available
Here’s a short post on AI pair programming with Aider in Ruby dev containers (or really, anywhere you don’t want to deal with Python’s legacy installation tools).
Skeleton Frames
In this episode, we look at implementing a temporary loader for turbo frame tags to give a visual of data that is loading.
Datadog APM for Rails on Heroku
Learn how to set up Datadog APM for a Rails application hosted on Heroku:
Ruby Git Server
I recently wanted to set up a Git server. Using the git-http-backend CGI made it super easy to integrate it with my Rails app:
Rails on Heroku: How to Use Less Memory Pt. 1
If you’ve built, run, or maintained a Rails app for any extended amount of time, you’ve likely run into the dreaded R14… [more inside]
What has changed in Rails this year?
I wrote a summary of what has changed in the framework this year. [more inside]
New release of actual_db_schema: UX improvements & full automation
I’m excited to announce v0.8.0 of the actual_db_schema gem! 🚀 This latest release takes your Rails development workflow to the next level, delivering a smoother and more efficient experience while simplifying DB schema management like never before. 🎉 [more inside]
HyperActiveForm: a gem to encapsulate your form logic into objects
I created HyperActiveForm to implement Form Objects into a Rails app. Easily extract form validations and logic into a handy and testable class.
Registration flow for Rails 8 auth generator
Here’s how to add registrations to the new Rails generated auth.
How To Spot Covert Discrimination in the Ruby Community
Covert discrimination is often hard to spot because it happens as personal microdiscrimination against one person or few people only without them belonging to a common minority group. As such, the people discriminated against are not protected by any minority group anti-discrimination measures, and are often abused without the abuse being detectable by outsiders because the abusing discriminators treat outsiders without discrimination, so they become none the wiser about the microdiscrimination happening against the one individual or few that are discriminated against. That is why I wrote a guide to spot covert discrimination in the Ruby Community and beyond.
New Gem: EnhancedErrors - See Variable Values in Errors and Spec Failures
I’m pleased to share the new EnhancedErrors Gem. The Concept: [more inside]
Video for /dev/mtl 2024 Talk "Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web"
The video for my /dev/mtl 2024 talk “Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web” has been published! It is totally mind blowing!!! 🤯 Happy Holidays!
Glimmer Hangman (RubyConf 2024 Hack Day App)
Merry Christmas! During the RubyConf 2024 Hack Day Event for Glimmer DSL for LibUI, which was associated with the RubyConf 2024 workshop “How To Build Basic Desktop Applications in Ruby”, I started the implementation of Hangman, the word game, in Ruby as a GUI desktop app. Well, I am happy to announce that I finally worked on it again yesterday and completed it, releasing version 1.0.0! And, it’s implemented with some of the most amazing Ruby code! Just install the glimmer_hangman
Ruby gem and run the command hangman
and you’ll have the game running on your machine instantly!
3 Ways to build a Rails API
In this tutorial, I cover three different ways of building an API with Ruby on Rails - a new API-only app, an API inside a normal Rails app and converting a Rails app to an API.
Video for Verona's RubyDay 2024 "Using Ruby on AWS's Lambda"
The GRUSP team has finally released the video of my workshop regarding Ruby on AWS’s Lambda. Watch it here: