RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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GoodJob v4

Since the previous major version, GoodJob v3.0 (June 2022), there have been 110 minor/patch releases from 88 contributors with many new features and improvements including: batches, bulk enqueuing, labelled jobs, job throttling, dark mode for the web dashboard, storage of error backtraces and contexts, ordered queues, the ability to pause repeating/cron-like jobs, systemd integration, healthchecks, and much more.

Etcher 2.0.0: An advanced configuration loader

If you need robust configuration loading, validation, and modeling (with optional transformations), then Etcher 2.0.0 might the firepower you need. This release smooths out some of the rough edges in the 1.x.x series while giving more power to overrides (should you need them). Additional transformers and loaders are provided to make life a bit easier too. [more inside]

Ruby Fusion: Milestones

The next Ruby Fusion gathering is fast approaching. If interested in release note generation, strict semantic versioning, and deployment using the Milestoner gem, please register to attend on July 11th at 6:30pm MDT. There’s a lot this gem can do for you!

Unnoticed Elephant

When the Rails application grows, you will start facing many weird problems. I will share with you some real production incidents that I have learned from the past. This article is about storing data, growing from ant to elephant

Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.12.0 Custom Control Component Slots

Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Library) version 0.12.0 ships with an exciting new feature called Custom Control Component Slots!!! Component Slots are containers that could accept content in different parts of a Custom Control component (e.g. an address_form Custom Control can have a header slot and a footer slot to display extra information about the address being entered, which consumers could fill in with any GUI controls). A new example has been implemented to demonstrate this feature: Class-Based Custom Control Slots.

Thanks for sharing I got no idea for any desktop app yet though :3 …
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