The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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JavaScript is a disease! Ruby is the cure!
In a recent Ruby meetup, I called JavaScript a disease! It is true! Especially, when comparing JavaScript code to much better, more elegant, and more readable Ruby code! JavaScript looks like ugly smelly mold by comparison. Once you see it, you can never unsee it! Yahuda Katz mentioned in his keynote speech at RailsConf 2014 that by continuously building more floors for the lower levels of a building in the form of a framework and a community of open-source projects, we enable developers to start development at higher and higher levels than they would have been able to otherwise, thus helping them leapfrog earlier ways of development in ever increasing productivity! In 2024, Frontend Ruby is the next floor level that enables Ruby Software Engineers to start at a higher level of development with much higher productivity and maintainability. [more inside]
Build Magic link authentication for Devise natively in Rails 7.1 thanks to generates_
Rails 7.1 introduced several new features, but the one we’re focusing on here is the generates_token_for method. This feature is particularly useful because it lets us create signed tokens with expiration dates, all without needing to modify the database. [more inside]
CLIApp 0.2.0 Released
I released CLIApp 0.2.0. CLIApp is a small framework to create CLI applications that take actions (=subcommands) such as Git, Docker, RubyGem, etc. In this release, help messages are printed in color.
Understanding the 3 Solids in Rails 8: SolidQueue, SolidCache, and SolidCable
Read this blog post to understand the 3 solids in Rails8 .. Understanding the 3 Solids in Rails 8: SolidQueue, SolidCache, and SolidCable
How CDNs Work (Propshaft / Static Assets Pt. 2)
Welcome back for part two of assets, static files, browser delivery, and Propshaft! In part one we…
Hello-Ruby-Boilerpl8 0.3.0 Released
hello-ruby-boilerpl8 0.3.0 released. This repository (not gem package) provides Ruby project boilerplate (or template) for simple command line script. See README for details and changes.
Mastering Thruster for Ruby on Rails: A Deep Dive for Beginners
Read this blog post to learn more about Thruster and how it replaces Nginx in Rails8 applications. Kamal2 Proxy is the best feature. [more inside]
rails-new allows you to generate a new Rails application without having to install Ruby and the rest of the dependencies of a typical Rails app on your machine. All you need is to have Docker installed on your machine. [more inside]
Upgrading to Kamal 2
Kamal 2 was released recently with a lot of substantial changes and I wrote a little post to show the upgrade process:
How Solid Queue works under the hood
Picture this: you’re six months into a fresh Rails app that processes business-critical jobs with Solid Queue—and you deployed a bug that is wreaking havoc in thousands of jobs. How do you find them? You’ll wish you’d read our latest article from Jeffery Morhous! Learn how Solid Queue works
A Deep Dive into Propshaft and Importmaps in Ruby on Rails 8
Read this blog post explaining the difference between 2 main features of Rails 8 to manage your assets (images, stylesheets, and javascripts) [more inside]
Top 10 Most Excellent Gems to Use in Any Ruby Web Application
The Ruby ecosystem is rich with libraries to enable all sorts of useful functionality. However, at times it’s a challenge when you’re working within a broader Ruby context (aka not using Rails) to find ones which integrate well. Thankfully, there are plenty of gems which are quite solid to use no matter what architecture you choose, and in this article, I’ll share some of my favorites!
Running multiple apps on a single server with Kamal 2
Kamal 2 can finally run multiple apps on a single VPS so I wrote about how this might look like in practice.
Kamal 2
In this episode we look at deploying a Rails 8 beta application to a Digital Ocean droplet. We’ll also look at a scenario of deploying Action Cable broadcasts and another with recurring background jobs.
Open Sourcing our MVP built using Rails7, Litestack, and Kamal
The app gives the website user a wizard form to fill his/her personal details and get matched with 3 best fee-only financial planners. Once the form is filled successfully and all validations are done then user gets registered automatically and see 3 matchings. The user can then book meetings with any 1 or all 3 financial planners. [more inside]
Oktest 1.4.0 Released
Oktest 1.4.0 released. Oktest is a new-style testing library. [more inside]
Adding Sign Up after the Rails 8 Authentication Generator
Quick little article I wrote up as I continue to write my book:
Ruby Rogues Podcast - Building Better Ruby Apps: Glimmer's Component Slots and More
Building Better Ruby Apps: Glimmer’s Component Slots and More - RUBY 653 - Ruby Rogues - Top End Devs:
A list of directories where to link your website if you are using Ruby or Rails
I tried to compile a list of directories where anyone can submit their company/product if they utilize Ruby or Ruby on Rails.