RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Open Sourcing our MVP built using Rails7, Litestack, and Kamal

The app gives the website user a wizard form to fill his/her personal details and get matched with 3 best fee-only financial planners. Once the form is filled successfully and all validations are done then user gets registered automatically and see 3 matchings. The user can then book meetings with any 1 or all 3 financial planners.

Fork the repository to learn Kamal, Litestack, etc. by refering to the real Rails 7 app that was under production from Feb 2024 till Sep 2024.

Tech Stack
  • Rails 7
  • SQLite (Litestack)
  • ActiveRecord
  • Activejob
  • Test::Unit
  • Kamal
  • Docker
MVP Nature

The tool was built as an MVP for RiaFin Solutions and was launched in February 2024, however, due to the business model change of RiaFin we are hereby making this app open source for other developers to refer it to build MVPs by using Ruby on Rails, SQLite, Kamal, etc.

What next

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