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Ruby Gemverse Leaderboard - "I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself"
Hello, to answer the question what have you done for ruby (by publishing & updating gems, for example) I put together a new ruby leaderboard formula that counts the totals of new gems times two plus all updates (over all years). Note: Yes, you can use the gemvervse gem to calculate your own leaderboard score. The first standing (for reference) so far: - 244 Gems, 1652 Updates - Gerald Bauer; 134 Gems, 1642 Updates - Andrew Kane; 100 Gems, 773 Updates - Jan Lelis; 32 Gems, 149 Updates - Victor Shepelev … Happy data wrangling with ruby. PS: For another “real-world” leaderboard example see the Vienna.rb / Wien.rb - Ruby Meetup / Stammtisch in Vienna, Austria page.
The Power of Fibers for Background Jobs
An article about the advantages of using fibers and async for a background job processor READ MORE
An Overview Of Ruby on Rails 7.1 Features. Part III.
This post brings us to the last in the “An Overview Of Ruby on Rails 7.1 Features” series. Rails has improved a lot over the years, no question about that, but this minor version, in my books, is the most exciting. Rails now comes inbuilt with Dockerfiles.
Rails 7. StartKit. Release 1.1
Rails 7. StartKit It is dockerized Rails app which can be run in 3 steps in some minutes. Release 1.1 has an integration with gem “whenever” to run periodic tasks in rails. Read Release 1.1 description to get more details. Happy coding!
gemverse gem - gem universe incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem cache & more
Hello, interested in what you have been up to in the latest 10+ years in rubyland / gemverse? To (auto-)generate timelines for personal profiles or for “curated” collections I have started to put together a new gem, that is, gemverse, for easy (re)use. The gemverse incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem version cache, gem timeline reports, ‘n’ more. For some first real-world sample pages see the gem timeline of Thomas Leitner, Gerald Bauer, Victor Shepelev or the Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) Collection. It’s still the early days. Questions, comments & suggestions more than welcome. Cheers. Prost.
How to Use Sorbet to Type-Check Ruby
Learn what static typing is, how to add Sorbet to a Ruby on Rails application, and even how to run Sorbet in a continuous integration pipeline. [more inside]
Uniqueness validation does not work since the beginning of Ruby on Rails
Check out my recent article about the uniqueness validation problem and how to solve it. Spoiler: unique index is not enough!
Making Sense of Rails Assets - If you’re as confused about “which Rails asset pipeline to use” as I was when I wrote this, have a read! I ran into a problem today where I pulled this up to clarify a few things. It covers the differences between Sprockets, Tailwind, Dart SaaS, Webpacker, & Propshaft.
whatson gem v2023 (incl. rubyconf, pycon, & more) - tools (using the event.db gem)
Hello, in a new gem series - oldies but goldies or is it ruby isn’t dead yet? - I
try to update and polish hidden “forgotten” gems. Today let’s welcome the whatson gem, v2023 that incl. the rubyconf, pycon & more command-line tools (powered by the event.db gem machinery). Use $ rubyconf
to list upcomfing ruby conferences with day countdowns & more (sourced via the planet ruby conference2023.yml datafile. Cheers. Prost. PS: Want to learn more about python? Use $ pycon
How to Parse Arguments in Your Ruby C Extension
Let’s explore two ways to set up a complex Ruby API written in C:
Server Side Request Forgery in Rails
I wrote a blog post about Server Side Request Forgery, how it can affect Rails applications, and how to prevent it:
Binary heaps explained
An article about binary heaps, how to use them as priority queue and how to implement everything in Ruby.
Hanamismith 0.0.0 - A Hanami CLI for web apps
Hey folks. 👋 I’m excited to announce the release of Hanamismith 0.0.0. Now you can quickly generate a Hanami (plus HTMX) application and start a new age of modern web engineering. 🚀 There is also a demo application built with this gem that you can play around with as well (see link in documentation). Still more to do in this space but it’s a good start. Enjoy!
little update to a cache utility gem received a new contribution, now can cache collection. [more inside]
Business Intelligence on Rails With Blazer
Business Intelligence transforms raw data into actionable insights that support business decisions through reports, dashboards, and charts. You can use the blazer gem in Ruby on Rails to gather and display business metrics!
Gemfile of dreams: the libraries we use to build Rails apps
Evil Martians work on dozens of Ruby on Rails projects every year. Naturally, this involves a lot of Ruby gems. So what would it look like if they were somehow able to converge into one Gemfile—the ideal Martian Gemfile? Our development philosophies, programming habits, and soul are within this universe of Martian gems. [more inside]
Blue Ridge Ruby
A brand-new, regional Ruby conference coming June 8-9 to Asheville, NC. (Sorry, not a technical post, but it’s my big Ruby project for the year.)
Writing better Action Mailers: Revisiting a core Rails concept
Mailers are a feature used in literally every Rails application. But they are often an after thought where we throw out the rules of well-written applications. [more inside]
ethlite-contracts gem - Ready-To-Use Contract Services For Ethereum & Co.
Hello, to make it easy to get started with (blockchain) contract services for ethereum & co. I’ve started to bundle abigen generated ruby conctract classes into the ethlite-contracts gem for easy (re)use. Some first “out-of-the-gem” contract services incl. Nouns, NounsDescriptorV2, SynthNouns, PunksMeta, PunkBlocks, SynthPunks, and many more. See the ethlite-contracts rdoc for more. Happy (blockchain) programming with ruby.
Signed URLs with Ruby
Signed URLs can be a very useful solution in many cases when you need to provide limited access to some resources or actions. As the name suggests, signed URLs contain signatures that allow us to validate if they were generated by a trusted source. I’ll focus on when and how to use them in Ruby, with Rails, or by providing a custom implementation. Read more
Rubber Duck Dev Show Episode 69 | Adventures in Note Taking with Seb Wilgosz
In this episode, we discuss adventures in note taking with Seb Wilgosz: Seb works on the Hanami ruby framework.
What is ActiveRecord "becomes" from Rails
Have you heard about Active Record becomes? A quick post on how to take advantage of it.
Rails 7. StartKit. Release 1.0
Rails 7. StartKit. It is dockerized Rails app which can be run in 3 steps in some minutes. Most popular preinstalled tools help you to save time to start your experiments with Rails. Great for beginners, helpful even for professionals. Release 1.0