RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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gemverse gem - gem universe incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem cache & more

Hello, interested in what you have been up to in the latest 10+ years in rubyland / gemverse? To (auto-)generate timelines for personal profiles or for “curated” collections I have started to put together a new gem, that is, gemverse, for easy (re)use. The gemverse incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem version cache, gem timeline reports, ‘n’ more. For some first real-world sample pages see the gem timeline of Thomas Leitner, Gerald Bauer, Victor Shepelev or the Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) Collection. It’s still the early days. Questions, comments & suggestions more than welcome. Cheers. Prost.

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