RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Drum Solo Demo of Glimmer Metronome (+ Menus & Shortcuts)

I recorded a drum solo to demo Glimmer Metronome, a Ruby-based metronome GUI app that supports different beat counts, click sounds, and tempos, including tap-based tempo calculation. It was built with Glimmer DSL for SWT using JRuby to help me with my drumming practice. Glimmer Metronome just received a new update in version 1.1.4 that adds menus and keyboard shortcuts, thus becoming more user-friendly when used via the keyboard alone. [more inside]

solidity gem - (fuzzy quick & dirty) parser for (crypto) contracts for ethereum & co.

Hello, in the ongoing crypto winter programming series in ruby I added yet another gem, that is, solidity that ships with a (fuzzy quick & dirty) parser for the solidity (contract) programming language. What’s the point? The first usage sample is to generate outlines from contract sources - see some real-world examples in the readme. Happy blockchaining with ruby. Cheers. Prost.

Glimmer Ecosystem, Glimte 3rd Party Framework, PasswordStore

Traditionally, Glimmer GUI gems have been mostly a one-sided effort. Well, that changes with Glimte! Glimte is a 3rd party framework built on top of Glimmer (Tk flavor) by Phaengris to facilitate following a certain flavor of the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller) called MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). It encourages a model of programming for desktop GUI views that is similar to Rails .erb. A Linux password manager is built with it as a Ruby GUI app called PasswordStore. [more inside]

Great Glimmer Tk news. Congrats. Trying to get back into Glimmer Tk later this…
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