RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Unlocking the Power of Doge (Ordinal Inscriptions - SOON!) with Ruby

Hello, are (generative) pixel art inscriptions (or public blockchain “graffitis”) the new warhols or tulips in 2023? The bitcon ordinals started the new craze / mania with inscriptions earlier this month, litecoin followed with inscriptions this week and can Elon Musk’s Doge be left behind? Prepare yourself and write yourself into the history books of all time with uploading / inscribing the world’s first punk doge (pixel) art collection / ordinals to the doge blockchain (database). SOON! See the - yes, in ruby - do-it-yourself (d.i.y.) step-by-step getting started (programming) guide to generate your own doge (pixel) punks and much more at the Punk’s Not Dead - Pixel Art Collection Quick Starter page / repo. Happy pixel pushing with ruby. Cheers. PS: Need inspiration? Appropriate inscribed public “graffiti” (pixel) art - see the ordinals sandbox for samples (“right-clicked & saved” with the ordinals ruby gem / machinery).

Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2023 - What’s Upcoming? (Yet) Another Update

Hello, I have added (yet) some more updates to the ruby conferences & camps in 2023 calendar page over at Planet Ruby (as a free public service). Yes, built in ruby via github pages (jekyll) and an open datafile (in yaml) - see conferences2023.yml . What’s Upcoming? Rails Girls Rotterdam (FREE!), Ruby Unconf Hamburg (€75 - Regular, €80 - Business), and more. PS:Did you know - the calendar web feed gets (automagically) syndicated on Rubyland News. Anything missing? Yes, you can. Add an upcoming ruby conference or camp. PS: If you happen to be around in Vienna, Austria in March join us for Ruby Burgers( & Red Belgian Kriek Beer) @ Vienna.rb.

How to find a memory bloat in your Rails app before it happens

Memory bloat in Ruby happens when someone loads a lot of data to the memory. Ruby Virtual Machine does not return most of the allocated memory to the operating system even after data is collected as a garbage. It’s not a big deal for local development or console programs, but if you have a bloat in the big Rails app it might cost you a lot of money. [more inside]

gitti-backup & hubba gem In Action - Back-Up Your GitHub Repos Via git clone --mirror

Hello, what if your github repos are gone with a 24-hour (email) notice while you are offline? Prepare yourself and keep your own backups using the gitti-backup and hubba gems. See the How-To Back Up Your GitHub Repos - A Step-By-Step Guide for a write-up. Cheers. Prost. PS: What are your options? Do you use your own script(s) or other readymade tool(s) - please tell.

devise-otp 0.5.0 is out!

Since we got a brand new Devise release working with Turbo, I am also releasing devise-otp 0.5.0 so you can use the gems together inside your Hotwire app. If you want to skip building up all these 2FA flows, Business Class got updated with these latest Devise gems too!

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