RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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HMVC-Rails gem - Helping you build High-level MVC architecture

Hello everyone. Have ever you heard about or use Trailblazer gem? HMVC is an architecture based on it. To reduce time to initial a project, our team released this gem called HMVC-Rails. Hope it will create a new popular architecture for not only Ruby on Rails community but also other ones

Just feel free and try it. Any comments or contributions are also a recognition for us


Very interesting. It would be helpful if the readme had more information: 1. What is HMVC and how it differs from MVC 2. How HMVC works after the gem is installed 3. Some examples

Thank you for your support. This is the HMVC model that our company has developed and is currently using. We have applied it to hundreds of projects and saved a lot of effort in development and bug fixing. We are based on the Trailblazer concept but it is important to maintain a simple and not overly magical nature to accommodate all learners. We will soon write a blog about this model and send it to everyone. We apologize for the lack of preparation for this. Also, may I ask how I can contact you? We are very eager to hear feedback from users.

  • From minh-tang TOMOSIA

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