RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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uniswap gem v0.0.1 - core uniswap v2 (dumb) contracts for ruby (rubysol)

hello, another little update from the rubidity & rubysol universe. i started a new experiment to package up the uniswap (facetswap) contracts into a gem (and convert to “more ruby-ish” rubysol syntax for easier documentation / testing / etc.). for the auto-generated contract docu. see and for a contract sample, see the (work-in-progress) UniswapV2Pair. as always questions and comments welcome. yes, you are invited to join the rubidity & rubysol coding (programming) club. let’s study and learn together how the (dex - decentralized exchange and amm - automated market making) magic works.

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