RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ruby pomodoro timer with exceptional tunes

SO. pomo. It is inspired by TJ Holowaychuk’s pomo I’m pretty sure I used in 2014. It’s a lightweight executable you can pop in your /usr/local/bin/pomo, sprinkle a little chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pomo magic on it, and BOOM! Pomotization complete. [more inside]

Solidus v4.4 has been released

The latest version of the Rails e-commerce platform Solidus has been released today with significant improvements for the new Admin and Rails 7.2 support. [more inside]

This is dated December 2023 though? :D
@PETER The release was…
Haha, oops :-)

Relay mails into ActionMailbox with existing Postfix server

One slightly under-documented ingress for ActionMailbox is using Postfix relaying. It is easy to integrate into an existing Postfix mail server by just adding another virtual_alias_map and also supports Regexp matching of many different mails (so 1 mail per customer easy achievable). Goal is to POST the mail into our App-Server using a small CURL script without adding new dependencies to the MTA server. [more inside]

Deploying a Jekyll site with Kamal

If you are like me and you have Jekyll sites that you would like to host alongside your Rails apps, you can deploy them with Kamal 2: [more inside]

why would someone deploy a static site on a VPS? Netlify, Github Sites, Gitlab …

Rails View Patterns: Helpers vs Partials vs Presenters vs Decorators

In my previous post I covered Why use Presenters than Components OR Integerate Them Together so when to use helpers, presenters, partials, and decorators got missed. This article - Rails View Patterns: Helpers vs Partials vs Presenters vs Decorators covers this extensively with code examples from a production app. I hope you enjoy reading the article and get your Rails views organized.

Ruby Concurrency and Parallelism

I have been seeing a lot of discussion comparing Elixir with Ruby for its concurrency features. The point these discussions miss is that Elixir runs on top of ErlangVM which had concurrency built-in as it was developed for running humungous-large-scale telecom systems. Whereas, Ruby was developed by Matz as a Software Language easy to understand and write. Ruby already had concurrency features through threads and fibers since its 1.9 version and Ruby 3 added parallelism features through ractors. This article covers all these 3 in detail and with a lot of code examples related to even AI and ML. Read it here - Understanding Ruby 3.3 Concurrency: A Comprehensive Guide.

Why use Presenters than Components OR Integerate Them Together

This article covers a) What are Presenters? b) Why use Presenters c) Presenters vs Components d) How to Implement Presenters e) Presenters vs Decorators. For Rails newbies these are very confusing thus this article removes this confusion and helps new Ruby on Rails developers to learn how to properly architect their Rails 8 apps. Read it here - Why use Presenters than Components OR Integerate Them Together.

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