RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Building translation management for a Rails app

Years ago, I encountered the challenge of allowing users to contribute to translations, especially for languages other than English. We relied on third-party SaaS solutions for an extended period. However, as time passed, we needed to explore a custom solution crafted to our evolving business model and software requirements. That’s how I started working on what we now know as LesliBabel – a simple yet useful engine for handling translations. No need to tinker with yml or json files. More importantly for my users, it comes with a friendly web interface and updates in real-time. Now, LesliBabel is fully open-source, integrated into the Lesli Framework ecosystem. You can explore a brief introduction (and check out the online demo) here: The first stable version of Lesli (following its open-source release) is coming!

Extralite 2.8 released

I’m pleased to announce that Extralite version 2.8 has just been released. Extralite is a Ruby gem for working with SQLite databases. New in this release: better query mode names, simplified querying APIs, a new Database#wal_checkpoint method for performing manual WAL checkpoints, and improved documentation. [more inside]

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