RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Pessimistic Locking in Rails

This is the second part of a series about Advisory Locks that I dig in after I had the opportunity to interview @bensheldon, the creator and maintainer of GoodJob. This is about pessimistic locking in Rails. [more inside]

Glimmer DSL for LibUI Scaffolding + Snake Game

Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.9.x versions include support for a new Glimmer Command, Application Scaffolding, Custom Component Scaffolding, Custom Component Gem Scaffolding, and more. These features greatly improve Software Engineering Productivity when building desktop applications with Glimmer DSL for LibUI. Glimmer Scaffolding could be thought of as the “Desktop Application” equivalent of Rails Scaffolding and Generators. In fact, I ate my own dog food and used the new Application Scaffolding feature to effortlessly scaffold a Glimmer Snake game.

Glimmer Wordle 1.1.5 Released

Glimmer Wordle 1.1.5 has just been released with official support for Windows. Although the game worked on Windows before, thanks to the platform-independent Glimmer DSL for SWT GUI library it was built with, styling was not tweaked for Windows till now in version 1.1.5. [more inside]

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