RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Etcher 1.0.0: A flexible configuration loader and transformer.

In case you ever have a need for loading, transforming, and overriding application configuration information and love blending Functional Programming with Object Oriented design via the Railway Pattern, you might enjoy this 1.0.0 release of the Etcher gem. The design is flexible, highly customizable, and fault tolerant (yay, monads). Enjoy!

Montreal.rb Dec 2023 Building LLM-powered Applications

The video of the Dec 2023 Montreal.rb Ruby Meetup A.I. talk “Building LLM-powered Applications” by Andrei Bondarev (Solutions Architect / Owner at Source Labs LLC) has been posted. The 2023 breakthroughs in Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) have been taking the software development world by storm. We’ll take a look at a few components of what is quickly becoming the modern stack for building LLM (Large Language Model) powered applications. Andrei will build a case for Ruby in the emerging AI trend, and show how some of the AI capabilities can be leveraged today!

Montreal.rb Nov 2023 Anatomy of a Payment

The video and slides for the Nov 2023 Montreal.rb Ruby Meetup talk “Anatomy of a Payment” by Michel Jamati (CTO/Co-Founder of Lexop) have been posted!! This talk will provide an overview of the business payment world. Attendees will become familiar with the actors and economics of the payment ecosystem, learn about the major regulations in the payment space that need to be complied with, and understand the Lexop approach to navigating these different challenges. Ruby on Rails examples will be demonstrated along the way to illustrate various types of payments that can be made with different payment processors. [more inside]

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