RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ethereum Turning Into Facet (Ruby on Rails) Monolith SOON!?

Hello, i know lots of crypto haters in rubyland. i am perma banned for life twice (for example). the irony the new facet indexer (&vm) that’s basicially is a ruby on rails monolith (with postgresql db) with the rubidity language that everybody hates (other than its creator tom lehman aka middlemarch). the reaction in rubyland to the blockchain revolution (by moving compute off-chain with “dumb” contracts AND reducing transaction fees 10x). nada. zero. zilch. or worse banning and canceling. what’s your take on rubidity? anyone?

I have a small cosmos chain related project written in rails https://github.…
bitcon is banned here (blacklist of words) now with ordinal inscription bitcon…

Sneak Peek on Rails 8

Planning for Rails 8 has started. I assume it will be released at Rails World Toronto on September 26 and 27, 2024 (as a certain bruised ego would probably not make a release at RailsConf). This is a quick summary of what we can expect: [more inside]

Glimmer DSL for SWT

Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) is the quarterly major release that supports a new version of Eclipse SWT (version 4.30, released in December 2023). Happy New Year! [more inside]

[Podcast] A deeper dive into Zeitwerk with Xavier Noria

Xavier Noria of the Rails Core team adeptly delves into the intricacies of Zeitwerk in this episode. Our discussion extends to elucidate the distinctions among autoloading, eager loading, and reloading, shedding light on the nuanced processes that transpire during app deployment. Subsequently, we delve into an exploration of the technical challenges currently confronting Ruby on Rails. [more inside]

This is the way... the Callable Way

We’ll talk about the Callable Pattern and how it can be used to make a powerful and flexible construct that will allow you to put order in your Ruby app.

That’s a pity this blog doesn’t have comments! I have some stuff to add on the …
Also, great thanks for sharing your thoughts. Think I now have several more arg…

monkes21 gem - text-to-image generation library for pixel avatars (28x28)

Hello, i packaged up in the monkes21 gem for easy (re)use all attributes of the monkes twenty one / monkes 21 pixel art series into a spritesheet and a text-to-image generator incl. factory of modern original (FoMO) command line tool support. Use Monke21::Image.generate( 'squiggle', 'eyes left' ) or $ fab squiggle eyes_left or such. Happy pixel pushing and image generation with ruby.

Introducing Rabarber: Our Simple Take on Rails Authorization

Hey Ruby devs, Just wanted to give you a heads up about Rabarber, a little authorization library we cooked up. We noticed that some popular ones out there were a bit much for our taste, so we made our own. It’s not claiming to be better or fancier. It’s just a straightforward, easy-to-use option that we found handy. If you want to give it a shot, here’s the link: We’re using it, we like it, maybe you’ll find it useful too.

Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how idiomorph works? (with an interactive playground)

Idiomorph javascript library sits at the heart of the upcoming Turbo morphing feature. Understanding how it works will be critical to getting the most out of it. Which is why I dove in and then wrote an article that breaks down exactly how it works and what we should keep in mind when using Turbo morphing: Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how idiomorph works? (with an interactive playground)

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