RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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"Master Hotwire" ebook

For some time now I’ve been working on an e-book about Hotwire, specifically aimed at Experienced Software Engineers. Why that focus? It’s simple: If you’re experienced I can save you time while giving you more information. For books the biggest cost is actually your time investment, not the price of the book. If this sounds interesting, I’m happy to say that the Beta version of the book is ready and available at: :)

Discover why Rails 8.0 removed Rails::ConsoleMethods

With the Rails 8.0 release, the framework made a significant change that will impact how developers customize their Rails console experience: the removal of Rails::ConsoleMethods. For years, Rails::ConsoleMethods has provided developers with a mechanism to extend the Rails console’s functionality by adding custom methods and utilities. However, this approach has become increasingly problematic, leading the Rails core team to make the strategic decision to deprecate and ultimately remove this extension point. Read the complete article here -

Transition from encrypted secrets to Rails 8.0's powerful credentials system

The removal of config.read_encrypted_secrets in Rails 8.0 marks a significant shift in how applications handle sensitive configuration data. This change reflects the framework’s commitment to more robust, streamlined secret management and pushes developers towards a more secure and standardized approach to handling credentials. Discover how to seamlessly transition from encrypted secrets to Rails 8.0’s powerful credentials system. Read the complete article here -

Ruby Version Manager 4 Windows v1.0.0 released

The final version 1.0.0 of the Ruby Version Manager for Windows (rvm-windows) has been released. It is inspired by the project for Unix systems and provides a similar user experience for Windows users by providing a compatible command line interface. The Ruby Version Manager for Windows is a command line tool that allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems. It even works with the classic Windows command line aside from Powershell and is based on the x64 binaries provided by the RubyInstaller project. Its goal is not to 100% reimplement all features of, but the most important and common ones by preserving most of the same command line interface. Some special Windows related stuff is added as well. More information can be found on the rvm-windows Github repository.

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