RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Generate a Rails 8 app with Nextgen

Nextgen, my interactive Rails app generator, now supports Rails 8! Use Nextgen to fine-tune your rails new experience by selecting just the gems and frameworks you need. A version selector lets you choose between Rails 7.2, the 7-2-stable branch (edge), or Rails 8 alpha via the main branch. And a robust Vite option is also available for projects that need a modern Node-based frontend build system with fast hot-reloading.

Lack of Support/Participation and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics

Some Software Engineers mention “not being interested” as an excuse not to help someone with something that could benefit customers or the Software Engineering community at large (including the Ruby community) when the real reason is in fact covert discrimination against that person and lack of effort to treat them as an equal and equally respected member of their community. Know that Software Engineers have to abide by the Software Engineering Code of Ethics. And, it includes the statements: “Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest” and “Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues”. [more inside]

Query collections of ActiveModel objects like an ActiveRecord::Relation

Working with collections of ActiveModel objects next to ActiveRecord objects is always kinda awkward because the interfaces for filtering, sorting, and querying are so different 😫 This is why we just released ActiveModel::Relation which attempts to provide the same interface to work with collections of ActiveModel objects that you’re used to from ActiveRecord::Relation 🎉 Check out the repository to learn more!

RSpec Stubs The Object In Memory

Have you ever tested a method that pulls records out of the database and applied mocks to those records you just created in your test? Have you been surprised that the record does not appear to have the behavior you mocked out? I have an explanation of the situation for you and some options for how you can address it. [more inside]

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