RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

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Happy 4th Birthday, Bridgetown!

Four years ago today, the Bridgetown publishing framework was born, the first public website launch and release of Bridgetown 0.10 happened a few weeks later, and the rest as they say is history. As always, a hearty thank you to all our sponsors and 70+ contributors who have helped this open source project flourish in ways I never could have imagined.


Series of Interviewing blog posts

My fellow Rubyists, I know this isn’t the most Ruby of all posts (except for the FizzBuzz example) but I’ve seen many people make simple mistakes during hiring processes. And I want to help fix that, so I’ve written a series of posts geared towards programmers about interviewing that I hope y’all will find helpful!

Rails on AWS book

Do you feel discomfort when connecting an AWS service with a Rails application because of unclear pricing rules, complex permissions, or advanced networking configuration? I felt this way for a long time until I dedicated myself entirely to learning AWS. With this book, you can master AWS in a short amount of time without spending months getting certified - Get the book now

HOTWire & Turbo Tutorial: Animated Deletions and Insertions

With the addition of the new Todo form appearing at the bottom of the Todos, and the delete action removing a Todo, we have a very functional app. It would be nice if those additions and removals had a little animation to emphasize what’s happening on the page. If there was a long list, we might miss the deletion, especially if a network request caused a delay in the removal of the Todo. We can hook into Turbo streams, and run some animations on these actions to make them appear and disappear.

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