RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Glimmer DSL for CSS Media Queries + CSS To Glimmer Converter

Glimmer DSL for CSS 1.3.0 and 1.4.0 just shipped with support for CSS Media Queries and a CSS To Glimmer Converter!!! This gem is included in Glimmer DSL for Web to enable styling elements with CSS via a Ruby DSL. Glimmer is smart enough to have multi-DSL support, meaning it enables using a Ruby DSL for CSS and another Ruby DSL for HTML in the same file, and it’s all Ruby code in the end, so one language, but interpreted differently depending on the applicable domain to facilitate writing the simplest code possible for each domain.

RVM 4 Windows

The first Release Candidate 0.9.9 of a new Ruby version manager for MS Windows has been released. It is called rvm-windows and is a clone of the popular for the classic command line and power shell on windows. If you are get used to on *nix systems and have to develop on Windows as well, you will love it! [more inside]

This is awesome! I’ve wanted this for so many years. Thank you!!!

IRB Kit 0.0.0: A kit of IRB extensions

In case you’d like to enhance your IRB configuration with additional helpers (and even a dynamic prompt), you might want to check out the IRB Kit gem. This reduced a bunch of custom code in my irbrc file so everything can be loaded from this gem now. This might be of benefit to you too. Enjoy!

Glimmer DSL for Web Ruby Integration with JavaScript Libraries

Glimmer DSL for Web is a Ruby-in-the-Browser Web Frontend Framework that enables Rubyists to finally have Ruby productivity and happiness in the Frontend via a simpler, more intuitive, more straightforward, and more productive library than all JavaScript libraries like React, Angular, Ember, Vue, Svelte, etc…. Glimmer DSL for Web’s Rails sample app “Sample Selector” has been upgraded with Code Syntax Highlighting by integrating with highlight.js. It demonstrates how to build Glimmer Web Components in the Frontend and how to make HTTP calls from a Ruby Frontend to a Ruby Backend in a Rails application, among other things. [more inside]

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