RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Extralite 2.6 Released

I’m excited to announce the release of Extralite 2.6. Extralite is a Ruby gem for working with SQLite databases, offering great performance (up to 14X the performance of the sqlite3 gem!), comprehensive support for concurrent query execution, and advanced features such as batch query execution and backups.

The latest release of Extralite includes some great new features:

  • Methods for working with savepoints.
  • Support for setting a progress handler for better concurrency in multi-threaded and multi-fibered Ruby apps.
  • Support for working with changesets, which allow you to record changes which can later be applied to another database or be reverted.
  • A newly organized README with comprehensive documentation for all Extralite features, and with updated benchmarks!

For more info,visit the Extralite repository:

Enjoy, Sharon

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